Edward seems like a better character than Connor, i really hope he could be a mix of Altair and Ezio, extremely determined at work but never forget to have time for pleasure. I raise my excitement level, hope i won't be disappoint like i was with AC III
with Watch Dogs on the way, i don't know why Ubisoft think they must release new Assassin's Creed on 2013, but whatever, as long as the game have better story and characters than ACIII, i will get it.
Well, it's your creation so say what you want. To me, Crysis 3, just like Crysis 2 is boring. I play for 4 chapters and then i stop playing. Prophet is just too overpowered and the enemy AI is simply retarded. For hours all i do is activate my visor, mark the enemies, and then kill it one by one. When the enemy spot me, i'll just use my cloak and the enemy lost me, no consequences whatsoever. Now i never play Crysis 1 but i know that it's a spiritual successor of Far Cry series, an OPEN WORLD fps set in beautiful tropical island where you can do the missions anyway you want. Crysis 2 and 3 are definitely not like that and that's why, it will never surpassed the first game.
i like the chemistry of Salem and Rios from the first two games. I hope Visceral won't change that. And THIS is the game where you can put crazy, over the top set pieces. I would be mad if Visceral won't put crazy set pieces they put on Dead Space 2 (those on DS3 are awful and uninspired) on Army of Two: Devil's Cartel
if a game can affect people like that, it means the game have a very strong story. Hope this won't change what Levine and Irrational try to tell us from the story of Bioshock Infinite.
Indiana Jones-inspired-FPS? Wow, this could be awesome! I like treasure hunt mission (that include a bit of platforming) on Far Cry 3, if there's a game that focus on that, it could be an awesome new IP.
i just want them to make an interesting story with interesting characters and please fix the dumb friendly AI. Oh yeah, no more spaceship mission like the one in Killzone 3.
I hope Ubisoft would use some gameplay from Mass Effect where you can command your ship freely to various locations, collecting treasures, doing missions (or side missions), and trading while sinking pirates and government's ship (perhaps British EIC?) along the way. The naval battle mechanism on ACIII is awesome, hope they can keep that (and maybe improved it). Since PS3 will get exclusive content (again), this is will be my first Assassin's Creed on PS3.
sensei_hEnRY's comments