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Another Essay

Ok, for some reason I like posting my homework here. But I like to share my work and also let people wut I think and maybe even teach them something new. Either way, this one is on the experiences that undocumented immigrants have to deal with. I hope that you like it. And hopefully I'll get more readers than I did last time. :P This one isn't as long as the last one so don't worry about length, I think that I've written longer blogs before. LOL :P


A Look At The Immigrant Experience

There is this concept in America about the "Melting Pot" that I learned last semester in my ethnic studies cla$$ It's a concept in which all the cultures in the world come to America and instead of being its own independent culture, it mixes with all the other cultures already here to become something completely new and better than what it used to be. The truth is that this kind of ideology only makes things worse for the people that are immigrating into this country because they are faced with things that they aren't used to. This raises a really important question that all immigrants have to face when they get to this country. Is it more difficult to preserve or to hold on to ones own culture? There are two particular things that put a lot of emphasis on this question; they are a book called Paper Daughter by M Elaine Mar and a film called Avalon. Both stories focus around what each person had to deal with and how the things that they where used to don't apply in this country.

The question of whether it's harder to preserve or hold on to our culture is something that can be answered in both ways depending on the persons past experiences. But I think that it's harder to preserve ones own culture because of all the mixing that has been going on in America that after you have been her for a while your culture isn't what it used to be. An example of this can be seen in Avalon when Sam gets angry with his sons for changing their names when they got married and he said "Who said names were suppose to be easy to say? What are you, a candy bar?" This shows how important this was to him and his family because the family means everything and it's up to the younger generation to carry this name with pride. I can't tell for sure if that's the reason why Sam got mad, but I know that in Mexican culture, the family name is something that is really important especially in the males because they are the ones that are going to pass on the name to their sons and that makes sure that the family name doesn't die. So I can understand why Sam got mad when they did this, to Sam this was a huge insult because this meant that his own sons didn't care about the tradition that the whole family had. This meant that the last name of "Krichinsky" would end when he died and no one would ever know their family legacy and what their roots were.

Another part that focused on how hard Sam was trying to preserve his culture was that he was always telling his grandsons and granddaughters of his youth and what America meant to him. A quote that Sam used a lot during the movie was "I came to America in 1914, and it was the most beautiful placed I've ever seen." This was a window into Sam's mind and what he thought about America. Sam believed in the "American dream" and when he got here he thought that he was going to have a great life just like he had imagined it. But the younger generation didn't care about tradition; the only thing that they were interested was watching TV and playing. It seemed that all Sam wanted to do was to pass on stories, but Americas way of life was working against Sam.

Elaine on the other hand had a similar yet completely different experience when she came to America. She was 5 when she got to America with her parents, and this place was something completely different then what she was used to. To understand this a little better, we have to understand how she was raised and a place where we can see that is when Elaine says, "From birth, I was expected to abide by the adults' rules."(9) This is a glimpse into Elaine's culture because it shows what was expected of her. She had been raised with a lot of care from her mother so that she could grow up to be a well behaved lady and her mother would try to make Elaine act in a manner that was suited for a lady. One time Elaine's mother told her, "Quietly, gently. Remember your modesty – you're a little girl!" This is something that tells us that her parents always cared about her but the wanted to make sure that she grew up in the traditional way of life that the had.

But once that they got here to America is like all the rules that were set in place in Hong Kong just disappeared. Her Aunt was the one in charge at the house and was the one that ran the business, which was really odd to Elaine since the man is always suppose to be in control. This is something that is familiar to me because in Mexican culture the man is always in charge, the women is suppose to obey the decision and respect her husband. I know this because I have a few Uncles that act in this same way even in the USA, but by no means have I ever experienced this at home; you could say that my dad is "wiped."

When Elaine started to go to school it wasn't very pleasant for her, she couldn't understand what the teacher was saying and this is all too familiar to me. Mrs. Tate asked for the answer to the math problem of 3 + 4 but she couldn't figure out how to answer her in English. Elaine knew the answer to this question, she just couldn't figure out how to say "seven". She felt horrible when things like this would happen; she said "There was nothing worse than knowing the answer and not being able to say them." (66) No one wanted to listen to her, even at home when she tried to explain things to her mother. I think that little things like this is what started to make her act different. She wanted to fit in, it's all kid want so it's no surprise that she felt the same way. Elaine could preserve the culture that she grew up with, and she forgot.

Most of the stuff that we've talked about in cla$$ is very familiar to me and to a lot of my friends. My parents are undocumented immigrants from Mexico so I considered myself a Chicano even though I was born in East Los Angeles, California. English is a second language for me even if I was born in the USA, and I can still remember how hard it was to learn the language. When I was little I spend 2 years in Mexico so I didn't really have a chance to learn English until I came back and by then it was difficult to learn. I know what it's like to have a language barrier like Elaine when she went to school and that really brings back memories of when I was a little kid. I couldn't say anything, and in fact I was in the ESL program up until 7th grade while my little brother was already in normal English ****s by the time he was in 1st grade.

The whole "melting pot" concept shouldn't be praised in the way that it is because it's not as good as people make it out to be. When a culture starts to be mixed with something else, it might as well just disappear because there is no telling how much it has changed and how it will effect the younger generation. The only thing that we can do is to raise children with a firm set of belief like my parents did to me. We have to make sure that our culture is preserved because our culture defines who we are and identity is something that important to everyone, no matter where their at.

Works Cited

Avalon. Dir. Barry Levinson. Prod. Mark Johnson, Barry Levinson. Perf. Armin Mueller-Stahl, Elizabeth Perkins, Joan Plowright, and Aidan Quinn. Tri Star, 1990.

Mar, M. Elaine. Paper Daughter: A Memoir. New York: HarperCollins, 1999.

Film Noir And The Femme Fatale

Ok, so this is my first assignment that I have in my Film Cla$$ and I have to compare and contrast the femme fatale Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard to the femme fatale character Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct Please be aware that this is a topic of a mature nature and that you shouldn't read it if you can'thandleit. That being said, here is my essay that I wrote on it. It's a total of 1470 words, but I would reallyappreciateany and all feedback from you guys. Maybe i can fix anything that you guys see that it's wrong. Thanks in advance.


The Darkness of Films

In the world of film there are many kinds of genres that make up that world. It ranges from Action movies to Cartoons, but there is one genre that is much deeper and mysterious than all the others. I'm referring to Film Noir which literary means "black film" and it usually has a dark feeling to it since it usually involves characters that are very pessimistic and cynical. Along with the Film Noir there is one key person in the film that is the representation of evil but is a woman, this key character is called the Femme Fatale and it literary means "disastrous woman" because any man who gets involved with her (it's usually the hero of the movie that makes this mistake) ends up in ruin and misfortune. Movies that fall under this topic share a lot of things in common such as the plot and events. I will be focusing in two films, which are: Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder, 1950) and Basic Instinct (Paul Verhoeven, 1992).

Both these films have similar characters, but this doesn't mean that they are the same story or that every film in the Film Noir genre is the same. Most film in that same category use a similar story line but each is unique in its own way. In the film of Sunset Boulevard, a scriptwriter named Joe Gillis (William Holden) becomes involved with an actress named Norma Desmon (Gloria Swanson) that is obsessed with going back to making more movies even if she is old. The scriptwriter starts getting all the things that he wants and then when he sees that she is becoming to attach to him, he tries to leave but is shoot and killed. In Basic Instinct, a detective named Nick Curran (Michael Douglas) in charge of a murder chase gets involved with a book writer named Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone) who is the prime suspect in the murder case. The investigator doesn't die at the end, but it's assumed that Catherine will kill him at a later time.

Both of these films have a femme fatale, but I think that it's interesting to take a good look at them because even if they are playing similar roles you can see that there is a huge difference. Norma and Catherine are both evil women and to a certain extend they can both get anything that they want because they are both rich. But it's interesting how they go about doing it because they both do it in a unique fashion. Norma tries to get Joe to stay with her against his will, and she does this by buying anything and everything that he wants. Norma doesn't care how much she spends on Joe as long as he stays by her. I tend to look at this sort of like a bribe or like having a pet; as long as she spends money on him, Joe won't go anywhere. An example of this can be at the end when Joe is trying to leave and Norma tells him "What do you want? More money?" She tells him this as if offering more money would please Joe and make him stay. On the other hand, Catherine can get anything that she wants but instead chooses to do this people, but in particular with men. In the movie, after a guy is found dead in his apartment, Nick and his partner go see Catherine at her mansion and ask her is she is sorry that he's dead (meaning the murder victim) and she replies "Yeah, I liked f***ing him." This shows how she loved to manipulate people and used them as she wished, whether it was to gather information for a new book or to just entertain her self.

Both women characters are in need of something because all their money can't fill that whole in their life. Norma tries to fill her emptiness with love, but she tries to make Joe love her to the point that if Joe can't be with her then he can't be with anyone else. Norma expected Joe's love in exchange for all the fancy stuff that she got him. I think that Norma thought that it was Joe's responsibility to love her. On the other hand, Catherine also had a hole in her life that she admitted. During the film Catherine told Nick "I can't be with you because everyone that I get close to I always lose." I think that this is also a need that she has to be loved but she is trying to resist that need because due to her past experiences it has never ends well. So as a result of all that tragedy in her life she has developed a defense mechanism of separating her self from everyone and being as cold hearted as possible so that way people won't get close to her and she won't have to lose anymore people that she cares about. I think that even in real life there is people that actually do this to protect their feelings and their sanity, just that some take it a little to far and end up killing that people that they love like in Norma's case.

I have always had this picture of femme fatale in my head and somehow Norma doesn't really fit into it. In my mind, a femme fatale should be very sensual and use her looks to get what she wants. I'm not sure if the idea of a femme fatale has changed over the years, but as far back as I can remember women in film have always had that "feminine" touch. This is where I feel where the biggest difference is between both women. Gloria Swanson was a good actress but her role as a femme fatale just doesn't quite fit that image that I have. She did a great job at trying to be a seductress in Sunset Boulevard but somehow it just doesn't really portray how evil and cunning women can be when they really want to. Even in real life, women can be very poisoning and cruel. But Norma just didn't quite come across as being poisoning; she was more of an obsessed actress that was trying to hang on her past.

In my opinion, Sharon Stone was wonderful in her role as Catherine Tramell. In her role as Catherine, she shows that she is a very smart woman and that they can't intimidate her just because they are cops. And one of the places that she shows this is when they finally take her in to the Police Station to question her regarding her relationship with the murder victim. It even looks like she enjoys making the men inside that room feel uncomfortable and acts in a way that gives her the upper hand. An example of this can be seen as soon as she walks in the room she lights up a cigarette and when a cop tells her that she can't smoke in the building she answers: "What are you going to do? Charge me with smoking?" I think that this line really shows that she isn't intimidated by anyone and that she will do as she pleases even if it means break some rules. There is more occasions during the interrogation that really show that she can seduce just about everyone in there by the way that she is dressed, acts, and even responds to the questions that they ask her. It's because of these and many more reasons that Sharon Stone makes a great femme fatale and so far it's been the best that I've ever seen. I think that Catherine is more of a daring person and she just likes the excitement and pleasure of toying with people's minds, sort of like to see if she can get away with and how far she can go before she gets caught.

Film has always been a big part of our culture because it's the way that we entertain ourselves. But there is more to films that just your usual action film that show how some celebrity saves the world from certain doom. Some films deal with something that is much more deep and dark in character, this is known as Film Noir. And it's this same genre that it's the most life like and truthful because it talks about things that normally we wouldn't see in films. It's films like Sunset Boulevard and Basic Instinct that open people's eyes to reality and show that life in not some happy adventure where the good always triumphs, but rather and more realistic view of life and how things don't always turn out the way that we picture them.


Thanks for reading and I reallyappreciateany and all help that I can get. Thanks guys.

New PSP!!!!

So as most of you know, I was thinking of getting a PSP and i didn't know which one I wanted. But i decided and now I'm the proud owner of a new psp. :D I got a silver psp with the Daxter game, a Family Guy umd, and a 1 GB memory stick. I also bought a game called Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos.

Here are some pics of my PSP



Now that I have a PSP i don't know what games to buy so it would be great if you guys could recommend me some. So far I'm interested in buying the fallowing games:

Generation of Chaos first part

Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core this is for sure

Jeanne D'Arc maybe

God of War: Chains of Olympus when it comes out

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep if it ever come out in the US :evil:

Star Ocean: First Departure form what I understand, this is a remake of the game that was originally made for the PS 1

Star Ocean: The Second Evolution and this is the remake of the second game that was also made for the PS 1

Other than that I don't really have any games in mind. I haven't made a full research of all the games for the PSP but any that you guys recommend would be great. I really like RPGs, Adventure, and just about everything as long as it's not girly or a sports game.

Well, thanks for reading. If any of the links don't work let me know.


I've also heard that there was going to be a special edition PSP with the release of Crisis Core so if it turns out that it's true, I will buy another PSP but from what I found out that PSP hasn't been confirmed. here is a screen shoot that I found here on GS

Special Edition PSP

tell me if you can't see the pics

Which PSP

Ok, ever since I heard that Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core was going to be released for the PSP I've been looking for a great deal in a PSP. So far I've found some at EB Games and have found: PSP Daxter Bundle, PSP FF Tactics: War of the Lions Bundle, and PSP Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles Bundle.

Now, I would love to get all those games but at the moment I can only afford one of those and I'm not sure which one I should buy. I really like the FF one but it's backed order and who knows when I'll get mine so the Daxter one is looking good. But I don't know. Can you guys help me decide!!!

Thanks for reading.

PS I know that I haven't been that active again, but I'm working on that. Thanks.

Bad/Good News

I've been thinking about quitting some of the unions that I'm because I don't really do anything on most of them. I agreed to join some because they said that they need help in getting the union up and running but on some I only posted a few times and I've never gone back to post again. I think that in cases like this is just better to get rid of some unions because I can't be as active as I used to be when I was in High School. I remember those good old days when I was able to post at work as much as I wanted and they never said anything and it was even better during vacations because I was on GS for like 8 hours at least 5 times a day. I wish that it was the same at the place that I'm at now, but they get pissed now if you are doing something that isn't work related so I can only post when I'm at home and that's only if I have time.

So for the time being I have decided to quit from every Union that I'm on except for: The Eragon & RPG Union, The .Hack// Union, The Guild of Epics, Anime Portal Union, Assassin's Creed Union, The Haze Union, The Anime Gaming Trust, xXxSoul SocietyxXx, and maybe the Naruto Ninja Academy Union but I'm still not sure if I'm staying on that one.

I'm sorry if I'm quitting one of your unions and I hope that you don't take it personal, but I just don't see the point to having a lot of unions if I'm not even going to be active on them. If I get more time later I might re-join some of those unions but it's not a for sure thing.

On other news, I'm so freaking happy because the scholarship that I have just decided to expand the program and the funding for the students. When I first got the scholarship they said that they were going to give us a total of $20,000 dollars over the period of 4 years which meant a total of $5,000 dollars per year and a total of $2,500 dollars per semester. This is a great scholarship because they pay for almost everything but just recently they noticed that with tuition rising, that $2,500 dollars per semester wasn't enough to cover tuition and books. So they decided to make it so that the scholarship will cover all the expense that have to do with tuition and buying books. This means that there isn't a limit on how much money they will give you with the condition that you do well in class and that your GPA doesn't fall beneath 2.5. :D

This is a huge relief to me because I was starting to think that I might have to pay for some of the stuff if the scholarship didn't cover it. I think that this is the best news that I've had since the beginning of the year.

Well, thanks or reading.

I Am Hated

Song: I Am Hated

By: Slipknot

Album: Iowa (2001)

The whole world is my enemy, and I'm a walking target

Two times the dev!l with all the significance

Dragged and raped for the love of a mob

I can't stay, because I can't be stopped

Eat motherf*ckers alive who cross us

I know you're all tired of the same ol' bosses

Let me tell you how it's gonna be

I'm gonna kill anyone who steps up in front of me

Welcome to the same ol' f*cking scam

Same ol' sh!t in a dead fad

Everybody wants to be so hard

Are you real or a second rate sports card?

They all lost their dad or their wife just died

They never got to go outside, shut up

Nobody gives a f*ck

It doesn't change the fact that you suck

(We are) the anti-cancer

(We are) the only answer

Stripped down, we want you dead

But what's inside of me, you'll never know

(We are) bipolar Gods

(We are) you know what we are

My life was always sh!t

And I don't think I need this anymore

Now I'm not pretty and I'm not cool

But I'm fat and ugly and proud, so f*ck you

Standing out is the new pretension

Streamline the sickness, half-@ssed aggression

You gotta see it to believe it, we've all been conned

All the mediocre sacred cows we spawned

Put your trust in the mission

We will not repent this is our religion

(We are) the anti-cancer

(We are) the only answer

Stripped down, we want you dead

But what's inside of me, you'll never know

(We are) bipolar Gods

(We are) you know what we are

My life was always sh!t

And I don't think I need this anymore

I am hated, you are hated

We are hated, I am hated

Everything sucks and I can prove it

Everybody dies, shuffle on, remove it

Individuals, indispensable, I'm the paradox deity vessel

The other side holds no secret

But this side is done, I don't need it

Before you go, you should know you're breaking down

You'll be rotten by the time you're underground

(We are) the anti-cancer

(We are) the only answer

Stripped down, we want you dead

But what's inside of me, you'll never know

(We are) bipolar Gods

(We are) you know what we are

My life was always sh!t

And I don't think I need this anymore

(We are) the source of conscience

(We are) distorted scientists

There's only one thing left

And I can't leave until it's sated

(We are) the absolute

(We are) controlling you

They're closing in, I can't escape it

I am hated


I really like this song and it's mainly because every so often there is a song that reallydefineswhat is going on with m life or how I feel about my life and this time ithappensto be this one. I know that many of you are probably thinking that this is a really messed up song and that my life must be a living hell, but it's not all my life that is screwed up. This is how I feel when I'm at work and I hate feeling like this because I have to be there most of the time. I manly feel like this because of my freaking stupid manager. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think that many of you know where I work, but I work at a bank (I'm not going to say which one so don't even ask) and work is just a living hell. She thinks that she is the greatest manager that has ever existed in this f*cken world and thetruthis that she sucks at her job. It is basic knowledge that if you are the boss of a business you want your employees to be happy because it's proven that the more your employees like you the better work they willperform. Well, I don't know who she learned to be a manger from because she is the most arrogant person that I have ever meet. She tries to correct you in any possible way and she always has to see something wrong with the way that you do something and she always thinks that her way is the best way to do things. She makes people do the mostannoyingside jobs that you can imagine.

The other day she put me to clean the back room where we keep all the office supplies like paper and all that other junk, I got so pissed of because I'm not some sort of janitor (I mean no offense to any of you that have this kind of job). I was hired as a f*cken TELLER not a janitor so I don't see why I have to be cleaning some room when it's not even what I get paid to do. I get paid to help people with their transactions and stuff like that.

Then she thinks that she knows it all, and if you correct her then she gets angry at you for being RIGHT and makes you do all this useless stuff just to make your life a living hell. I seriously don't see how this woman became manager of a bank to begin with. And the worst part of all is that the regional manager (that would be her boss) and the division manager (that would be her bosses boss) love her and I don't even know why. So even if we try to do something about it, it really does nothing since her bosses like her and anything that we say means nothing to people that can do something about it. This is not just the way that I feel, pretty much everyone in the branch that I work at hates her.

I have no choice but to stay there until I either:

1. find a better job


2. graduate from college with my degree so that I can go to where I really want to be at

I'm really sorry that I swore in this blog, it's just that I'm so frustrated that I have to vent in any way before I explode with rage. Thanks for reading and I hope that you don't report me. :P

PS = I found a music video in youtube so you guys can hear it in case you don't know how the song goes. Enjoy!!

Back To School Tomorrow

Well, my vacations are now over and they feel like they weren't long enough. Tomorrow I go back to college for another semester. :( The sad part is that I didn't really do anything fun during my vacations; I spend all my time working and that is a really bad way to spend a vacation. :cry:

I'm suppose to take a cla$$ that is at 1 AM but I can't find the professor that will be teaching the cla$$ if I can't find him then I will have no other choice but to not go to that cla$$. The only think that I can do is just wait until I get a response from him/her (I still don't know what gender my teacher is LOL :P).

I went to buy my books for my cla$$e$ last week and I have to say that I'm really grateful that I have a scholarship because it was almost $400 dollars in books, that is almost a whole paycheck for me. :( Being a college student sucks some times. :cry:

So that is basically all I have to say for now, I really like to post blogs since it helps me to deal with stuff. When I started to write this blog I was still some what nervous because I'm going to have to meet new people (normally that would be a good thing, but it isn't to me when it has to do with school) and I'm really worried that I won't know anyone in my cla$$ and I be all by myself in a corner of the cla$$room. :cry: Either way, thanks for readying.

I Need Your Help Guys

Ok, so as you all now I got a new laptop for christmas. I don't know if I told you guys this, but I also got Final Cut Express 4.0 along with the computer and I've been wanting to make a video for a while.

I was wondering if you guys knew where I could find clips so that I can use them to make a movie of my own. I should be able to use any file that can be played in a quick time some are: mpeg2, mpeg4, etc. So i any of you know where I can get clips from a safe site then please let me know.

I'm planing on doing it on Kingdom Hearts and so far I only have 2 clips but I don't think that it's enough to make a decent movie. (3 or 4 minutes long) and I don't really want to use the same ones over and over again. The clips don'tnecessarilyneed to be of KH but just as long as I can use them since I might try to do other videos of other things. Thanks any help will beappreciated.:D

Another Year Down, Many More To Go (hopefully)

Well, like the tile says, I'm glad that another year has gone by and that I'm still alive :P. Last year will be a difficult one to forget since a lot of great things happened to me and I just hope that it won't stop in this next year.

2007 was the year that I graduated from high school (I know that it isn't such a big deal but in my family education is our top priority, specially for me since I'm the first one in my WHOLE family to go to college so they have high expectations of me). I also got my first car and I have to say that I'm really proud of that since it's not like I got a used car, I got a brand new 2007 Volkswagen Jetta 2.5 Wolfsburg Edition (in other words, this was a limited edition car) straight from the dealer. I put up some pics of my car in the images section of my GS profile in case you want to see it. This was also the year that I got accepted into college and I got 2 scholarships along with that. I also got a PS 3 and an Xbox 360 along with a new laptop and ton of games. I guess I can say that last year was one of the best in my life. I'm not trying to brag or anything, it's just that it's kind of funny to think back on all the stuff that can happen in such a short time. I used to think that a year a long time, but now a year seems like a really short period of time. I can still remember when I started as a new student in my high school and I remember it as if it was yesterday and that was over 4 years ago.

Now in this New Year I hope that things keep going the way that they have, I know that my luck eventually has to run out, I just hope that if it has to end I just hope that it isn't as bad as I picture it. I don't really belief in resolutions because people make all these promises that they will do something and they only think about them for a little while and then they forget about their so called resolutions. I just try to do the best that I can and don't really make goals just in case they are unrealistic and I can't accomplish them. Many people think that this is a lazy way to look at life (I'm not sure if lazy is the right word, but it's the only word that came to my mind) but the only reason that I think this way is because I don't have to put any pressure on my self. If I find something that it's good and that I should pursue it then I will, but by no means will I make a goal of it and beat my self over it if I don't reach that goal. I know that we are suppose to work hard for the stuff that we do and that we are suppose to have goals in this life to make it worth living (or at least that's what I've heard) but sometimes all those goals just make it worst because not all of use can reach those goals that we set for our selves. This is a personal opinion and if any of you feel differently than I do, then by all means keep doing what you are doing.

I guess that the only things that I want are:

  1. Keep doing well in college.
  2. Not get into more debt (I have to pay off 2 credit cards and make my monthly car payment since I'm not going to pay off that loan for a while).
  3. Make sure that my new laptop doesn't get a virus like the last one.
  4. Try not to get in a car accident. (I don't have a license right now so if I get in a car accident I would go to jail.)
  5. Try not to get sick or get a serious health problem (medical bills can get expensive).
  6. Try to watch as much Anime as possible. (BTW, does anyone know where I can see Bleach episodes in English? I was watching them in youtube but they only go up to episode 52 in English and I've had to read the subtitles for the rest and I don't really like to read while I'm watching a show.)
  7. Try to get Photoshop for my new laptop. (I really miss designing it was so fun.)
  8. And the last, try to remind alive since it's the most important thing.

Well, there are my "goals" for next year. I think that most of them are fairly easy to accomplish and if I find other stuff that I want I might just try to get it. In the mean time I hope that everyone had a good time celebrating with his or her families/friends. I hope that you all have a happy and successful 2008. Thanks for reading and now I leave you with a video that I found this morning in youtube that is about the same thing that I've been talking about. Enjoy!!!!

Merry Christmas/Hanukah/Tuesday

Hello all, I want to wish you all the people of a Christian faith a merry Christmas, all Jews a happy Hanukah, and if you are an atheist then have a great Tuesday. LOL :P I hope that you all get what you want for Christmas since I know that I did. I only got one present but the present that I got is SO COOL that I couldn't have asked for something more. **drum roll** I got a MacBook Prowith Leopard customize with: 2.6 Hz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 DDR 2 SDRAM 2x2GB, 200GB Serial ATA Drive @7200 rpm, and a glossy widescreen display. I also got Microsoft Student Teacher Edition 2004 and Final Cut Express 4 (this one is to make movies and stuff like that). Over all I'm really pleased with my new laptop. Now I just have to get used to using a different OS since I've always used Windows and I still don't know all the stuff that this MacBook Pro can do but the Apple stores give you free tutorials so that you learn how to use your Mac. So that sums up what I got for Christmas. :D

I also want to say sorry for all the unions that I've abandoned in the last few months. I know that I've demoted in some unions and I totally understand since I would have done the same thing. Hopefully, now that we have 2 laptops at my house I will have more time to log in and post since I really miss talking to all you guys and gals. The last few months have really busy for me, I was in my first semester of college and it was a lot harder that I thought it would be. It was hard having work and school and all this other stuff that was going on in my life. Next semester I've made my schedule so that all my cla$$e$ are in the same day or at least not all over the place like last semester. The thing that really screwed me up last semester was that the scholarship that I got picked all my cla$$e$ for me and I didn't have any say in the schedule, so this time around I have a little more flexibility. Next semester I will be taking a total of 14 credit hours and my cla$$e$ will be: Math 1010 (I forgot most of the stuff that I learned in high school so I have to take this stuff again :P), Film 3210 (according to the cla$$ description this one will be at 1AM on Monday nights, hopefully this isn't true :cry: ), LEAP 1100 (this is a cla$$ designed to help students that come straight out of high school and it focuses on Humanities), Ethnic Studies 3920 (we study stuff that has to do with racism and stuff like that), and last my US Economic History 1740 (don't really know what this one is about). Except for my film cla$$ I think that I should do really well next semester :D.

I've been watching a lot of Anime since it's about the only thing that keeps me sane. (not really, but I have to have an excuses for watching Anime :P) I finished watching Ergo Proxy (which was very good, but very confusing and I still don't get what it's all about so if someone could help me in this department I would really appreciate it) and many others. Some that I've gotten into recently are: 009-1, Witchblade(mature content), and Hell Girl. These are all really good series and I recommend that you watch them, but Witchblade and 009-1 are for a more "mature" audience. I'll give you guys a little summary of all three just so that you guys know what it is about.

009-1 (it's pronounced "double-o-nine-dash-one") and it takes place in the future where the Cold War never finished and it's a constant struggle between the East block and the West Block. The East block can be described as a harsher place to live since people can't say what they want and it's more or less a communist country. The West block is a more liberal place to live and people can do what ever they want with out feeling oppressed. But the thing is that freedom only exist for those that are wealthy, everyone else works for them and the are not as "free" as they things they are since the chances of them getting out of that way of life are very slim. There is an agency the "double zero agency" and their job is to find people that have the potential to be spies and train them to be the best and collect information for the West block. The spies are all females (if they weren't then almost no one would watch this :P) and after they are done with their training they get an operation that makes them into cyborg (I think this is the correct word, half human and half machine). And that is the basic over view of the series; I still haven't finished it so I don't know how it will end.

Hell Girl is a series about a girl that makes pacts with humans that desire vengeance on people that make them suffer. Each episode is it's own little story about how a person is being tormented by someone and then they contact Hell Girl to take him or her to hell. But in exchange, when that person that ordered Hell Girl to take their enemy to hell also goes to hell when they die no matter how good the behave for the rest of their life. I've only seen the first disc, but I hear that the first few episodes are repetitive but that later on the story gets more interesting. I really like this one because it shows what people are willing to do in a situation of desperate need, but then again this might not be such a bad thing.

And finally there is Witchblade. Witchblade is a huge series that expands across manga, comics, and now an anime TV series. Each is set in it's own universe and I don't know that much about the universe of Witchblade but I've been reading up in the net about this series. Apparently the Witchblade is an artifact that was created since the beginning of time that has the power to destroy or protect the world. The Witchblade fusses with a host and it become part of their body, when they are about to face a really powerful enemy it makes more armor for the wielder and vice versa. The only thing is that only women can fuse with the Witchblade some are Cleopatra, Joan De Arc (I think that's her name) and many more. I even found out that Excalibur is a part of the Witchblade, the story says that Excalibur is a shard of the Witchblade and if they where to ever come to touch the Witchblade would absorb Excalibur. I really like Witchblade; but it contains material for a "mature" audience, so watch it at your own risk.

This is pretty much everything for now, I'm sorry for writing such a long blog. :P I hope that I can log in here more often but in case you want my msn just PM me and I'll see if I give you my email. Either way, thanks for reading.