@Boochie yeah, the only console exclusives i like are dmc/gow and then it's just to hard to make a beatem up with motion controls or mouse and keyboard :/
@LongJohnSlivers enlighten us, even the developers don't under stand it you idiot! that's what this article is about, that blog link has nothing to do with anything here lol is that yours? It's just a bunch of stupid copy and paste opinions regardless, are you saying that because it looks bad? because again it's too soon to say that and i think it looks fun
I have mixed feelings, when watching her videos I flip between agreeing and disagreeingI think this is goign to boil down to biases she is a very biased person and thoese despicable youtube trolls are biased as well I think the message is good and kind hearted but i feel like she comes on too aggressive in her videos In the end this controversy is nothing more than free publicity, bad for gamin's image and those kids will not watch the videos anyway. I propose a PSA with mastercheif and kratos as well as many others like some cod characters and others to actualy reach thoese assholes and maybe get the point across
I have mixed feelings I think this is great but having seen a lot of her work I find my self constantly flying back and forth between "YEAH that's it that's what im talking about!" and "ugh I hate you are spreading these concepts to these people and how you seem to heavily misunderstand the work in question due to your biases"To me this boils down to biases, Any gamer who loves ivy will have a different reaction to a mom or teacher, I think this has potential but right off the bat I see some problems, I'm not ok with picking on peach nintendo has been very careful she had a great ds game where she saved mario, some fighting game characters are a little to far but most are welcome and just not your demographic (skull girls is a good game with solid mechanichs, girls like eye candy to...) the world would be worse with out some of them, and I think that anya stroud is fine leave her alone and samus as well I't's team ninja's fault for other m and they did invent the jiggle physics which although crude did move technology forward BUT I still welcome this with open arms, I think the community needs this, anyone who wrote a hate comment doesnt deserve to be a gamer
@MrScoobJr I've said this many times fun is not the same as a compelling experience a game can be not fun yet compelling and good. this producer(big emphasis on that) is about as an expert on game design as mcshea it's like a waiter and a customer arguing about the cook''s job
shadow-crow's comments