@Devil_Spooky that is what I have been using but I was about to put my cc info on it and I'm still planning on it and there still has been no evidence the the cc info was compromised
@Assemblent and all that new bug on 360 get is a little small post and most of it is about how M$ fixing the problem but if it was on the ps3 it would have been a huge article and only a very small part would be about Sony is fixing it the rest of it would be about the bug and would probably have reference to the 360 in it multiple times also if this had happen on the 360 they would make a post about every couple of days and saying stuff like M$ is hard a work bringing the servers back up and hardly ever mention the hack and probably wont even make an article on the bad rumors but since it was the ps3 they made it seems that those rumors where true in fact they wasn't
@malatato that is why I expect that and I know someone was going to create an article like this also any bad new on the 360 gets a very small article and doesn't seem like a big deal hell they make some of the bad stuff on the ps3 seem is be a huge problem when in fact it is just a little small problem look at the outage they make it seems that the ps3 is nothing without psn but when in fact you can still play all the awesome single player games on the ps3 and there are a ton of them
also they aren't offering use the free stuff because are identity MIGHT been stolen they are giving us the free stuff because the servers were down for 3 weeks
I'm not worried at all since the info that I had on psn you pretty much could get easily without hacking psn and it is probably they same way for everyone the websites like this one is overreacting same with some of the users
@bennae66 you don't understand there was allot of info that they had to do though and that takes time and Sony did had our info protected by up-to-date security and firewalls but that stuff can be broken and everything is hackable hell the pentagon was hack and it probably had allot more security than psn even the best security system can be hack and what Sony did was right by once they found out about it they take the servers down and told use soon has they found out that our inof mybe compromise
@KevinnButlerNPK so what you are saying a whole week to you is 5days also there is allot of information to go though and tons of people on psn at the same time so it is kinda hard to notice every little thing
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