Ladies and gentlemen I give you the new 2015 camaro 600 hp going from 0 to 100 in a half a second this bad boy can do it all and here's........... The steering wheel thanks for stopping by everybody!
I didn't fall for a pretty lookin halo 4 rented it and the story sucked and multi player is meh I will not be fooled by a pretty lookin kill zone although it is pretty
6 months of waiting Nd a trip over at cheapassgamers. Com will maximize what you get for waiting those guys do there homework and find you the best deals be patient!
@DragonbornBoy86 @shagrath1987 I just picked up the 3ds and am so overwhelmed now paper Mario sticker Pokemon conquest, zelda, black 2,and many more PLUS I got the 200 dollar 3ds xl with Mario cart in it. I have proclaimed my self smart shopper now!
As owner of all 3 systems and launch Wii u owner I have seen the error of my ways. DONT BUY A SYSTEM AT LAUNCH! I can't tell you about the back log of games I have already not to mention the impending drought of games all launch systems have. I could have gotten the sweet zombie u bundle with control and mh ultimate in March but I was dumb and bought launch. Nothing against Microsoft and Sony but I'm staying away until launch Window is over with.
shagrath1987's comments