Just to add Sony and ms have or will be releasing the news of there new consoles pre E3 so its not like they haven't realized what n has learned that you can still make an impact without E3 hell I'm more of an N fan but I sat the two hours with some beers and watched the sony unveiling. And I'll do the same on the 21 st with ms.
Almost guarantees that a month before E3 N will show off there titles. Hype it and post smash dojo and then come E3 the crowd will have there chance to get there hands on it. Sounds smart but on the other hand I fear this will only result in Nintendo using this as a ploy to trickle out Wii u news at there own liesure. I love ,my Wii u and have been playing mhu3 for a whole ,month straight but all I can say is that the Nintendo directs leading to E3 better be something special. Give me f zero! 30 player online hell yea!
This can only mean good things ninty must have big things up there sleeves or iwata would not have been promoted this way people thought he would fail and instead of a dreaded loss they got in the green. Its gonna be a big year. He has a plan.
Maybe they are going the digital download way where if you download the game, you'll be able to play without connection. Wii u has a good subscription deal for downloads. Give me dark souls 2 for $40 as a ms digital download, and I'm sold.
shagrath1987's comments