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#1 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts

These are my opinion so please dont flame me if you dont agree, please respect them.

I picked up Resistance 3 yesterday, was very disappointed after I completed the game, it was very average. Nothing like how PS3 fans hyped. I will state the good points and bad points.

Single Player

Good points:

1. Very Good graphics

2. Good Voice acting

Bad Points

1. Very Short, only 4-5 hour campaign. I really expected something like 6-8 hour campaign, I expect a long campaign if I pay $60 for it. There are some exceptions like Halo, COD where a short campaign is enough because there are other content like zombies, firefight, multiplayer which make up the cost. In this case, Resistance 3 has a very boring generic multiplayer which I will talk about.

2. Generic, Repetitive, boring. In the 4 hour campaign of the campaign, all it was, which was just run, shoot and move on to next objective. The game included no variations, different type of gameplay missions. At least in Halo reach, there were railshooter missions, space missions which werent generic and boring. In R3, it gets too boring too fast because it is the same gameplay over and over.

3. Bad Framerates, whenever there are alot of explosions, action going on. The game's framerate drops down below average and its turns horrible, it's like a slideshow.


Good Points

Can be fun for a short amount of time.

Bad Points

1. The Balancing system sucks, Many times you will find yourself in a game, where there's only 2 players in one team and 8 players on the other which leads to mean the matchmaking sucks because it doesnt bring any new players into the game.

2. No new things added, I'm sorry but there is nothing new in this game that doesnt exist in other games, there are game modes that exist in all FPS games, v ery generic game modes like CTF. Nothing new. Nothing innovative. I rather play COD than this.

3. Spawns are horrid, alot of times you will find yourself spawning in front of a enemy which will obviously be an easy target for the enemy. You will also alot of times get spawned in the same place you get killed.

4. Framerates are also bad in this.

IMO, the conclusion is R3 had a huge potential being a great game and it failed for me. It sucked, it added nothing new to the series, same crap that exist other games, multiplayer is very bland. I think Halo reach was thousand times better.

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#2 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts

xbox sucks ps3 rulz nuff said playstation is a more popular brand

How funny. Yet PS3 sales are much inferior to 360, how is it popular?
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#3 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts


Is it available for XBOX 360? until Quantic dream makes an exclusive for xbox thats similar to Heavy Rain , Heavy Rain is unique, Farenheit came in a 2005 and is a multi-platform. I was Talking about exclusives of the current generation.

Might I ask why you bothered to "rate" my post? I'm quite interested in such exhibits of folly.


Indigo Prophecy is available on 360, yes. Just because a game is exclusive does not mean it is unique. Nothing unique about Heavy Rain. And 1/10 for questioning my rating system.

Are you trying to be funny or something? I dunno, Its a Very poorattempt if it is!. no Indigo Prophecy is NOT available in 360, only on Xbox, and anyway its made by the same developer. AND I AM TALKING ABOUT UNIQUENESS IN EXCLUSIVES. ok, lets list out some of these games for the sake of the cranially thick.

MAJOR Xbox Exclusives (The most talked about/ most popular)

Forza (Generic Driving Series)

Halo (a shooter)

Gears of War ( Generic Unreal tournament type brain-dead Shooter)

Fable (RPG nothing more, nothing less)

Alan Wake (Unique, Quite a enjoyable experience)

MAJOR PS3 Exclusives

Heavy Rain (a game that, by the looks of it, is hated by the cranially thick, a unique experience on PS3 That cannot be experience in Xbox 360)

Littlebigplanet (Possibly the MOST unique gaming franchise)

God of war III (somewhat unique in Story/gameplay)

Killzone (Generic Shooter)

Dark souls (Unique)

ANYHOW, back in topic. 360 is most definitely not on top 5, heck I don't think it even makes top 10!

OK, Heavy Rain is pretty unique apart from the fact, there is a game called Indigo Prophecy. I'll agree Forza is a generic driving game series, I'm sorry but you called Gears of war generic? What planet are you living on? Gears of war 3 is the main reason why alot of TPS are sucessful. Gears of war added many things to the ggenre. Hell, you wouldn't even probably have Uncharted and MGS4 in existance if it wasnt for gears. Halo is also very original, unique. Games like Resistance, Killzone, Ghost recon would've never existed if it wasnt for Halo. Halo was one of the first futuristic FPS game. God Of War is 100% generic, nothing original. Nothing unique at all. Little big planet isnt unique at all, Super Mario galaxy triumphs all over it.
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#5 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts
[QUOTE="22kristian"]Sony handled a hack of this magnitude better then Microsoft ever would have in my opinion And not only did Sony go way and beyond for the consumers after the hacks , which the hack was NOT their fault, by giving gamers a bunch of free games, a month of psn+ free, and free online protection services to a free network, BUT NO information or credit card information was ever stolen in the first place Lol Microsoft in the same situation probably would have further raised the costs of xbox live and would have used the hacks to justify it like the sleazy politicians they are, and you know that's the sad truth P.s And at least Playstation 3 owners still got to play their console......*cough* unlike PROD victims in which PROD was all Microsoft's fault for knowingly releasing faulty hardware upon the the poor unsuspecting public *cough* I mean PROD was without question the greatest electronic failure in the history of mankind And not only did Sony act right away as beat it could during the cyber attacks on its network, it took Microsoft THREE years to ever do anything about PROD and it was only because the government was stepping in. NOW that is unacceptable! And just to give you a picture about what type of company Microsoft is, on top of PROD and knowingly releasing faulty hardware upon the unsuspecting public, Microsoft has ALSO been guilty of U.S Anti Trust Laws. Sony may have been investigated for anti trust laws, like all big company's will at one point, but Microadt WAS actually FOUND GUILTY and that says everything.

You sir are a PS3 fanboy, no offense.
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#6 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts


Don't forget sound. The guns in MW3 sound really poor.


The guns in Battlefield 3 alpha sound really bad, 3D spotting makes it worsr, no recoil on the ak74u, physics suck. I was really disappointed in the alpha.

Really now.

Yes, really. I doubt the real game will be different. Just feel it, Battlefield 3 is already broken with 2 shot kills with any AR, SMGs and 3D spotting with camping.

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#7 shahilsyed
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[QUOTE="shahilsyed"] Err....No I'm not.spacedog1973

Modern warfare 3 looks worse in the following ways compared to the PS3 version of BF3:

  • Polygonal Geometry of buildings
  • Mesh destruction
  • Physics
  • Character animation
  • texture size
  • lighting
  • bullet effects
  • bullet impact
  • gun recoil
  • realistic first person view(You can't even see your legs in COD)
  • Shadows
  • HDR
  • Consistent framerate

and that's only the technical aspect - I haven't even gone into the gameplay

Don't forget sound. The guns in MW3 sound really poor.

The guns in Battlefield 3 alpha sound really bad, 3D spotting makes it worsr, no recoil on the ak74u, physics suck. I was really disappointed in the alpha.
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#8 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts


[QUOTE="ForceFreeze"] [QUOTE="ForceFreeze"]

My God...Absolutely stunning to look at. If BF3 had the talents in GG to do the animations (reload animations etc.) and design the gun models, and Crytek for their facial animations, there wouldn't be a better looking FPS for quite some time.

In fact, I'd give a nod to BF3 to be the first multiplat graphics king.


That would be crysis 1, the graphics king. MW3 graphics IMO will be better than bf3 for consoles.

You're making it really obvious that you just have a blind love from Mw3.

Err....No I'm not.
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#9 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts

[QUOTE="ForceFreeze"] [QUOTE="ForceFreeze"]

My God...Absolutely stunning to look at. If BF3 had the talents in GG to do the animations (reload animations etc.) and design the gun models, and Crytek for their facial animations, there wouldn't be a better looking FPS for quite some time.

In fact, I'd give a nod to BF3 to be the first multiplat graphics king.


That would be crysis 1, the graphics king. MW3 graphics IMO will be better than bf3 for consoles.

Wow, those BF3 graphics look pretty good on the PS3 but still MW3, look at MW3, it has much better textures, details than bf3 on ps3. I know its your opinion, but look at this: Battlefield vs MW3

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#10 shahilsyed
Member since 2010 • 654 Posts

My God...Absolutely stunning to look at. If BF3 had the talents in GG to do the animations (reload animations etc.) and design the gun models, and Crytek for their facial animations, there wouldn't be a better looking FPS for quite some time.

In fact, I'd give a nod to BF3 to be the first multiplat graphics king.


My God...Absolutely stunning to look at. If BF3 had the talents in GG to do the animations (reload animations etc.) and design the gun models, and Crytek for their facial animations, there wouldn't be a better looking FPS for quite some time.

In fact, I'd give a nod to BF3 to be the first multiplat graphics king.


That would be crysis 1, the graphics king. MW3 graphics IMO will be better than bf3 for consoles.