Sorry, but after a few moments listening to that guy, I wanted to pull my hair out and bash my face into a brick wall. Not sure what points he had, but I couldn't bare another minute of his b!tching.AmazonTreeBoaI think, the guy pissed some fanboys off. Lol, couldn't you handle the truth? I'm sorry, people buy games to play, not for the fancy ass graphics. It's stupid, as he says, to base your purchases on one thing.
shahilsyed's forum posts
Did you even watch the video? I guess not. It seems some of the PC elitists don't try to watch simple vids....[QUOTE="shahilsyed"][QUOTE="Kinthalis"]
Lol. It's like consolites don't even try anymore.
Why would I waste my time watching some d-bag consolite rant for 18 minutes?'re pathethic...he brings up good points and you people ignore it. PC gamers know this guy destroyed your platform so you're too afraid to speak up about it. And no, he didn't rant, nor did he do make it for 18 mins. It's a 13 min video.Did you even watch the video? I guess not. It seems some of the PC elitists don't try to watch simple vids....Lol. It's like consolites don't even try anymore.
I found a video on youtube that very accurately portrays the pc gamers.
Here is the video:
This guy brings up perfectly valid points, pointing out the nonsense PC gamers are up to and how they are so sensitive in nerd wars. He responds to a certain youtuber named "IamTheAntiMartyr" but the Martyr guy has turned into a PC elitist. In a whole, he talks about PC gamers. The real gamer would just play games and not care about the graphics. All honest.
I found a video on youtube that very accurately portrays the pc gamers.
Here is the video:
This guy brings up perfectly valid points, pointing out the nonsense PC gamers are up to and how they are so sensitive in nerd wars. He responds to a certain youtuber named "IamTheAntiMartyr" but the Martyr guy has turned into a PC elitist. In a whole, he talks about PC gamers. The real gamer would just play games and not care about the graphics. All honest.
In this post, I'll be talking about a youtuber called DSPGaming. I've been having problem with this youtuber recently. Now, yes this is gaming related. Firstly, he made a rant video, attacking Tobuscus/TobyTurner for having a gaming channel. But I see this as OK. However, he has a girlfriend, who in my opinon and other people's opinion, pretty annoying. I don't find her funny, talented at anything or even good at gaming. Her name is Panda Lee. She started uploading videos yesterday and she instantly get views and suns, mainly because her boyfriend DSP promotes all her vids. Obviously all of DSP fans ported over to Panda Lee's channel and she's been getting attention. in my Opinion, i see this as being unfair. This is unfair to other youtubers that are genuinely good and get nowhere as views. I see this as being Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.
So I made a comment on her channel, stating all this and I said, this was unfair to other youtubers, I said that hopefully she puts out content that justifies all this views and I lastly said, it was only my opinion. In few hours time, I get blocked from her channel. And not yet, did I say anything insulting in that comment.And the fact she is only 18 years old and DSP is 30. What is wrong with these youtubers? She is worse than DSp.
Why do these people block people anything that's negative? It's not even insulting. Anyone know DSPGaming here?
This is just my 2 cents on this.
I was gonna buy Max Payne 3 until I watched this video.....
The game has too many bugs and also it's apparent a "port to the consoles" Thats why, checkpoint and cover system was implemented.
WTF are you on about? Everything you've said is subjective and only a matter of an opinion. You say COD is more fun and then pass it off that COD is the better series. I bet you're one of those people who are fanboys of COD, decided to try out BF3 and was owned because the game has a learning curve.I don't own either game, however I have more WAY more fun with COD than I ever do with BF, so the answer is COD.
Plus COD has a fun (but sometimes short) campaign, BF just has a crappy and forgettable short campaign.
Online COD has action and many features, BF only has a few modes and it's boring because maps are too big and you just walk around trying to find people to kill but rarely do. Only good thing about it is the realism and the destructable environments, everything else is just boring IMO.
COD is the better series, hands down. Though Killzone destroys both.
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