Except Last Of Us and Beyond Two Souls, cows have nothing to defend their "exclusives". Twisted Metal was a huge flop anyway.
shahilsyed's forum posts
Halo 4, Gears Of War Judgement, Forza Horizon, Fable Journey, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Black Ops 2, XBLA titles (including minecraft, trials evolution), witcher 2, south park and Resident evil 6. I think the answer is pretty obvious here.
Black Ops Was By Far The Best Call Of Duty I Have Ever Played Cod 4 Was Ok But Black Ops Was Balanced No Bs Exept For Second Chance And No Stupid Lame Death streaks Treyarch115zWell your name gives it away. Treyarch always copy IW's game.
Lol, WAW was awful.Call Of Duty 4 and COD 2 are the best COD`s.
Then its WAW.
MW2, MW3 are horrible. Black Ops was barely OK.
Finalstar is a disgrace to the Cows, a tool paid by Activision. When I see him make a comment about COD..
I'm just sick and tired of seeing this stupid posts. I sometimes watch to see Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 videos and see what they are doing with the game. I obviously see the comments and I normally see stupid, misinformed posts made by people and most of them are top comments. Obviously they are stupid fanboys. But some of the ignorance and the hype is so stupid right now. By in no mean, am I saying that Black Ops 2 is going to be a bad game. I actually believe Black Ops 2 will be a good and fun title. But here are the comments are I am finding and I'll explain my opinion on the comment. Please take your time to read this because I am putting some of my time explaining all this crap. So read some of these ridiculous comments:
"Treyarch>Infinity Ward. Treyarch are the company that always change the series up. They always try new things and finally after 5 years, Call Of Duty is getting a huge change" - Lol really? Are these people so misinformed and idiotic? I'm sorry, Call Of Duty would nowhere be anywhere big as it right now if it wasn't for Infinity Ward. Just look at COD4 and COD2, those two were the reasons why Call of duty became so mainstream and big. Treyarch did absolutely nothing (exceptions of Zombies), they made call of duty 3 which was considered one of the worst games of all time at that time. It was COd3 that turned off many people off the series tbh, until Infinity Ward came up with awesome game COD4 that brought a lot of people back into the series.
Then, lets look at Call Of Duty 5, World at war. Look how horrible and a failure that game was. It was exactly like Call of duty 4, it was a huge clone with just a different skin. Only difference, WaW was set in the World War 2 era. No one whatsoever liked this game and majority of the community went back to CoD4.
Then Infinity Ward released Modern Warfare 2, it wasn't a balanced game, it was very fun and it sorta died down after few months. They actually tried changing a lot of the stuff in the game, they added care packages, deathstreaks, the ability to choose your own killstreaks, ac130 and chopper gunners, more in depth stuff like Holographic site, hearbeat sensors and stuff like that.
Then Treyarch released Black Ops, completely copied all that stuff and it was just like a MW2 clone. It was sure as hell set in the Cold War times. They did balance up the game a lot and "polished" it.
To the idiots, that are saying that Treyarch are better. You're an absolute idiot for saying that. Treyarch hardly did anything for the series, except the zombies mode. COD2 and COD4, both made by Infinity Ward is what made COD mainstream. Then later, Treyarch tried cloning Cod4 but with a different skin . Treyarch have always been the company that clones Infinity Ward's game, put in a different skin, which they change the era and in this case, they are changing it to the futuristic times. They always balance and polish the game more than anything.
"What's with all the hate in the comments. The one time that a Call of Duty game has a little bit of innovation Half you people love it and half of you hate it, what gives" - What innovation? There is no innovation, except the fact this game will be set in a futuristic time. Just because they are changing this game to a futuristic time, doesnt mean this is innovative. Treyarch have all done this before and it wasn't nothing spectacular and it weren't "innovative". FOr example:
COD4 - Infinity Ward, then World at War made by Treyarch: They changed COD4 into a World War 2 game, and it wasn't nothing spectacular.
MW2 - Infinity Ward, then Black Ops made by Treyarch: They changed MW2 into a Cold War game, nothing innovative. They just polished and balanced the game a little.
MW3 - Infinity Ward, then Black Ops will be made by Treyarch: It will be exactly like MW3 but with a different futuristic skin. Just like all other Treyarch games have been. They'll probably clean up a lot of stuff but that is about it.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this and comment on what you think about these points.
You do realize that this Premium service already existed? It's just like a season pass, Rockstar Games and other developers started doing this for their games. ALso EA did exactly same thing for BFBC2 with VIP pass. I honestly see no hate.Nope Only BF3 Fanboys who BTW bashed COD fanboys paying for Elite would support / pay for this crap.
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