O, let's get try to answer your questions: 1. Does the PS3 break down and what to do if this happens? The PS3 is by far the best console out there (technologically). The cases in which a PS3 has broken down are very rare and if this happens Sony repairs or replaces your unit free of charge?
2.1. Is the 40GB suitable? Yes, but if I where you I would go for the version with the biggest HD. Or take even consider buying a new HD of 250GB and place this in your PS3. Sony has foreseen this changing of HD and it is very easy. Why opt for a bigger HD? Because once you start downloading demo's, trailers and game add-ons, save some music on your PS3 HD or install game information for your PS3 games, you will very quickly see that even the 80GB HD will be too small.
2.2 Can you buy memory cards for the PS3 as well? I've looked, and the only thing I can find is a way to transfer PS2 saves off of a memory card onto the PS3.You don't need any memory cards with the PS3. All save games are saved on internal virtual memory cards. You simply create virtual memory cards (as many as you like) and save on them (which is actually just your PS3 HD). And yes, there is a small peripheral that allows you to copy your PS and PS2 memory card data onto the PS3 HD into these virtual memory cards.
3. Is the online play free for all games, or only for a few select games? And ss there decent four player split screen games, or did they pull a 360 and make mostly every game only two players?Most games are two player split screen, but there are some decent games with 4 player split screen. But since online play is free, completely free for every game. There is absolutely nothing holding you back to go online and play games against 4 to 48 players. (I even think Resistance 2 will have 60 player games. I think?)
4. Any good exclusives for the PS3 or only multiplatform junk? Yes, there are several really good exclusives out there or soon to be released. Metal Gear Solid 4 anyone?
PS: The PS3 is also a superb Blu-ray player and the only Blu-ray player out there which is already fitted to be Blu-ray 2.0 compliant in the future.
Hope this answers your questions)
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