@autumnvarela No game is beyond reproach. I for one have an issue with the online only thing. Much like Diablo 3. Overwatch is a solid game but there are certainly things to wonder about and poke at. The console aiming controls are a bit wonky in that it's a bit difficult to aim without strafing and then there is also the tickrate problem as well. Naturally, as soon as I brought up a question to these things on the Facebook page, I was bombarded with criticism from fanboys who would smash anyone that would dare question their perfect game.
These are valid criticisms and questions that would benefit everyone if they were implemented.
Eh. I guess this game works for some people. Theres also Samurai Warriors and Senran Kagura. Well...maybe not Senran if kids are going to be playing it.
It makes perfect sense actually. Konami thinks that it can make a LOT more profit while using minimal investment capital with Pachinko as opposed to AAA games. Games are art is a convenient term that's used when it makes companies look good.
I have to agree. Ads cover everything and more often than not, I find myself hating those specific products or services because the crap is constantly in my face. One of these reasons people value Steam is how direct it is. Everything is pretty neatly categorized and properly placed in easy areas. Also, all hail the search function. Cluttering the Steam page with ads would only serve to harm Steams reputation.
Eh. Was really hoping they would've gone the distance and added more depth to the battle system. I understand that it's basically Dynasty Warriors with tits, but I think they could have played on that. Using the funds earned from previous titles to expand and start really flesh out the combat and story.
The majority of character seem to just have the AOE supers and that's about it. The elements in previous games never seemed to play much of a practical purpose. When I say elements I mean the literal elements. Fire, ice, lightning etc. It all never really seemed to change much. Frozen opponents didn't really seem to stay frozen for long and it was effectively the same as lightning stuns. Same goes for fire. It basically just acted like poison for a bit.
I know I'm hoping against hope here but I sincerely hope they begin expanding on things.
sharpshooter188's comments