The PS3 can only play CERTAIN games at 1080p. those are the games that look worse than most others. games with better graphics display ONLY at 720p & will not be upscaled. The 360 upscales to 1080p if the game doesnt have native 1080p support. THERE ARE GAMES OUT there for the 360 that support native 1080p aswell. True 1080p refers to the rez. it doesnt matter whether the game has been upscaled or not , as long as the rez is 1080p its true 1080p. Native 1080p is a different story. BOTH PS3 & 360 are capable of NATIVE 1080p the only difference is that 360 can upscale its 720p games to 1080p while the PS3 cannot. Most of the PS3's games are displayed in 720p not 1080p and this is the same with the 360, But unlike the PS3 the 360 can upscale while the PS3 is stuck with 720p ONLY and no upscaling. Im not taking any sides here. the reason the PS3 cant upscale is beause it lacks a good framebuffer chip like the 360's, other than that the hardware is perfectly capable of running a software upscaler. Plz do not spread false information. Youtube is not a good source of information for these things because it is plagued with fanboys who trick people like you into thinking their system is the only one that has a specific feature. Kinda like how apple tricked their customers into thinking only macs can dualboot multiple OS's. Once again i repeat myself for clarity
plays native 1080p, 720p, 480p, 480i
can upscales game that do not have native 1080p support to a 1920x1080p resolution
has games that support 1080p and does not need upscaling
plays native 1080p, 720p, 480p, 480i
cannot upscale games that do not have native 1080p support to a 1920x1080p resolution
has games that support native 1080p, but cannot upscale games that support only 720p
Wii (added this so u know it can, but has been disabled)
has hardware to display at 1080p, 720p, 480p, 480i, but 1080p & 720p have been locked by a software code.
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