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#1 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts



This has been dead and gone why revive it? OO you want to get your post count higher I see!!!


That post is two days old, was there any need for that.

of course there is

So one can assume the only reason you did it was to also get your post count up?

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#2 shawty1984
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Whats my level got to do with anything. I joined this site long before you did, I just dont visit it much. If thats your attitude, its a wonder your still here.

Getting back to the point, you clearly have no clue what your talking about. Please explain how a screen of 22" 1920 x 1080 is any different to a screen of 60" 1920 x 1080.

To save you any embarrasment, Ill do it myself. There is no difference. They both have the same amount of pixels. The smaller the screen, the closer the pixels hence the closer you need to sit or can sit. If you sit the same distance at a 60" screen, then them pixels are further apart hence you would be able to see the pixels hence why you need to sit further away from the bigger screen. As I said before, resolution is fixed, 1080p doesnt change just because screen size does.

Before you go round accusing people of not knowing what they are taking about, do a bit more research of the subject on hand and also how long the poster has been signed up, not that if I had 10000 posts would matter, amount of posts dont relate to knowledge.


You're right, the amount of post doesn't really reflect someones just means you post more or less on this site. I can't believe people actually measure intelligence on the amount of post someone makes!

This has been dead and gone why revive it? OO you want to get your post count higher I see!!!

That post is two days old, was there any need for that.

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#3 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

haha... wow, actually, the industry has set standard viewing distance for their needs.. look it up, and its 1080p, not 1090, so dont talk if you don't know what you are talking about. Lastly, I was simply explaining to the kid that he would be fine with getting a 32 inch tv without worrying about 1080p because unless he is a moron sitting a foot away, he can't see the enlarged pixels, which at 32 1080p and 720 difference is not discernable... sorry if you don't agree. the whole monitor question shouldn't even be considered because every monitor is at a high resolution. He asked about tvs, not monitors.


There is no set standards as everyone is different, every room is different and set out different, there is no average viewing distance or normal viewing distance, thats ludicrus. Oh thanks for pointing out i got 1080p wrong and said 1090p, its not like ive not said 1080p 30 times already in this thread, yet you jump on the slightest mistake.

Jesus you dont know what your talking about. Firstly, no, not all monitors are high resolution, not that it matters anyway.

Where have you even got your 1ft distance from, Ive already told you for 32" at 1080p its 4ft-5ft, do you not listen or read?

Sitting 5ft away from a 32" 1080p TV and 5ft away from a 32" 720p TV, the 1080p TV will look better. Please try to understand this. Im banging my head agasint my table. Without knowing the OP viewing distance, you can not give him advice on what size TV and what resolution to get.

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#4 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

it doesn't take a genious to deduce that as the screen size gets bigger... and the pixel amount stays the same... the pixels are stretched, so to say a 60" looks the exact same as a 22" is misleading... they will only look the same at viewing distances which are relative... for a 22 inch monitor... about 1 foot... for a 60" about 8 feet


And Ive said that from all along if you had bothered to read my posts. Its not misleading at all. 1080p at 22" will look the same as 1080p at 60" IF viewed from the correct distance. Im mentioned this numerous times in this short thread, why you felt the need to now say this, baffles me.

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#5 shawty1984
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i can't believe you are still not getting what we are saying... yes, there are just as many pixels, no question... but that does NOT change the fact that at 5 to 6 feet away... a person cannot tell the difference between 1080p and 720p... were are not talking about sitting 12 inches away from a computer monitor... and here is the big kicker... most hd tvs have better processing than monitors anyway... so the picture quality will generally look better (this defintely does not apply in general, ie vizio...). So yes, there is no difference between a 22" and a 60" AS FAR AS THE AMOUNT of pixels... but when you look at a 32" 720p and a 32" 1080p... you can NOT tell the difference; this isn't even opinion, it's scientific fact... go onto cnet.


Arghhh, are you being ignorant just for the sake of it?

No where di the OP state his viewing distance. So sorry, its only you talking about 5ft-6ft distance.

I hate people who think they know what they are talking about with little or no common sense to back it up.

Listen, please listen. There is no normal viewing distance, people will buy differeing size TV's depending on what room its going in. Without knowing the viewing distance, you can not give advice on the resol;ution and size of TV.

And yes you can tell the difference between a 32" 720p Tv and a 32" 1080p TV, you need to sit closer to see the difference to the 1090p one, as you dont know the viewing distance, there is no argument.

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#6 shawty1984
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oh and lcd monitors at that size (21.6-24) will always be 1080p because they go up to 2500x1600 most of the time for computer use... if you are talking about a lcd tv at 1080p... then just like a computer monitor you will be sitting pretty close, which doesn't seem fun.... on the other hand, if he were to get a solid 32 inch, he could sit back and play, and he wouldn't need to worry about 1080p because unless you are super close (like a foot or less) then, you notice a difference, otherwise no... even with supereyes...??tamabeast04

Your confusing me and your making a simple thing more difficult.

My 24" 1080p 1920 x 1200 monitor at 1080p will look no different to a 60" 1080p TV.

To get the best at 1080p at 32", its about 4ft-5ft viewing distance, were you got your 1ft from is beyond me.

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#7 shawty1984
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it's not wrong that there are the same amount of pixels, but the fact is that on a 22 inch the pixels are smaller; PLUS the human factor. At the normal viewing range of a 32 inch (about 5-6 feet) and the range of say a 46 inch (6-7 feet) you can NOT tell the difference between 720 p and 1080p... what you CAN tell the difference between is a crap tv and a good tv...

This also applies to motion processing (can't tell the difference between 240hz and 120hz... dont care what anyone says... not humanly possible...


Listen to me. 1080p at 22" is no different to 1080p at 60". You just need to move closer to the 22" screen to notice 1080p. Its really nothing to do with eyesight.

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#8 shawty1984
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I would stay away from vizio, their picture accuracy is way off... go onto and into the forum section, very informative. The sony has better response, depending on the model, which is important for ps3. As far as 1080p... the human eye cannot tell (at a normal distance) between 1080 and 720 for I would say anything up to 32 inch... I can personally attest to this because when trying to find a new tv (which I have given up on...) I bought the top of the line samsung conventional lcd - the 46b750, and as far as picture quality, no difference between 1080 on the 46 inch and 720 on my samsung 32 inch, and I am extremely nit-picky. The vizio's are economy tvs, that's why they are so popular... if you want a good tv, stick with a sony, or a samsung (at 32 without the video processing, you won't have the issue of input lag) - you can get either for a decent price at 32 inch no problem; just do yourself a favor and stick to a major company, not vizio or some other walmart brand...


So I have super eye powers then? Because my 24" 1080p monitor is great at 1080p. Its really go nothing to do with eye sight really. 1080p is 1080p if you can see 1080p at 40", then you can see it at 22", you just need to move closer to see it.

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#9 shawty1984
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[QUOTE="JoKeR_421"] yea wait till black friday, here wal-mart has a 40 inch sony bravia for $649.99! by the way dont worry about the 1080p if ur tv is less than 40in, u wont notice any difference between 720p and 1080p on a 32in. so get the sony one if i was u, if u want a 1080p tv its best to get it 40in or moreJoKeR_421

And yet another one, please read my posts in this thread on the subject to see how wrong that is.

im not wrong, but thanks for quoting me. ill still stand by wat i said. its best not to get a 1080p tv on a 32in.

You are wrong. You have showed nothing to prove otherwise. Your just saying 1080p is pointless under 32" but yet admit 1080p is 1080p and cant change. I mean what dont you get about this? The pixels on the smaller screen are packed together more hence why you can sit closer without seeing the pixels. If 1080p is the same at 22" as it is at 60", then how can 1080p TV's be pointless under 32". Its pointless getting a 40" 1080p TV if you are sat 3ft away from it. as it is pointless getting a 40" 1080p if you are sat 12ft away from it. See the bit your missing is the most important, viewing distance. You cant give advice on what resolution and screen size to get without knowing the viewing distance.

You can have your opinion, but let me tell you, its very wrong.

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#10 shawty1984
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[QUOTE="jimm895"]At the size your looking at the 1080p isn't gonna make much of a difference if any. 1080p really doesn't look much different than 720p until the TV size reachs about 40 inchs then as the size goes up the differences show up more.JoKeR_421

Thats totally false and a myth.

1080p is 1080p which is 1920 x 1080 and will always be 1920 x 1080, this does not change due to screen size. resolution is fixed. A 22" 1080p TV will look the same as a 60" 1080p TV (taking away all other varibles) if both are viewed from the correct distance. Both TV's would have the same amount of pixels, you would just need to sit closer to the22" TV to notice the difference. Trying to offer advice on resolution is pretty foolish when you dont know the viewing distance.

so u want him to glue his eye on the tv? u know LCDs arent that great for ur eyes. but its pointless to get a 32in tv thats 1080p, bro i can almost guarantee u this, i have 2 sony bravias that do 1080p ones 32 in, and ones 40 in my living room, i sit a good distance away from them, and honestly i can see the differences that the 40in is better, if i do get pretty damn close, which is not cool for ur eyes or healthy to begin with then yea i see wat u sayin, but its still pointless to get a 1080p tv thats only 32in, its best if its 40 or high.

Your wrong, end of. The amount of detail is the same on both of the screens, think about it for a second. Without viewing distance, your advice on resolutions is uesless and I wish more people would understand this. You need to sit closer to the smaller screen. Ive got a 24" 1080p monitor and its ideal for a small bedroom. The 1080p from my monitor will be no different to the 1080p 60" TV.