Please don't just look at Metacritic and instantly form an opinion. Dig into why these critics liked and disliked the game, and try to bounce off your own tastes with the views of these people. Looking at a damn number - a number that effectively means nothing - then deciding if you should be disappointed or not, isn't critical thinking, and it isn't doing you any favours.
The graphics look fantastic, expect for a few low-res textures. I guess it's just opinion, but the mist and shadows look great, and really play into the atmosphere from what i've seen.
@poopinpat "but I dread the handholding that has been inevitably implemented. Maybe modders will strip out the focus mechanic a."
You can change almost everything in the game btw. Every UI element, every game mechanic almost; all cna be turned off or modified. So if you dislike the Focus mechanic, you cna just turn it off and live happily.
Hmm, i have been worried about this for a long time. The troubled development is enough of a bad omen, but then things like fundamental changes to some of the mechanics month before release, was an evne greater point of concern.
And look what it's wrought: a muddled mess of a game. A shame really.
shingui5's comments