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#1 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I suggest you get excited if Capcom announced RE 5 on Wii not a lame port...


If capcom could be porting this game to ps3, u wont call it a ''lame'' port :roll:, cows :roll:

RE0 would be an amazing port on the ps3 because of the controller, it works perfectly for a PS controller. Whilst RE0, will not need a wii port cos of backwards compatibility and may not work so well with the wiimote. Only reason they releasing it because the GC version did not sell well and they just trying to get quick cash from game.

RE5 port to GC will be great because of the RE4wii controls, it worked surprisingly well. Not sure how it would look graphically though, especially with the amount of characters on screen at once in the trailer.

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#2 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

[QUOTE="candid_llama"]can u play hardcopy versions of PS1 games on a 40 gig? Or just whats on the psn?humber_matus

just psn ... they took out backwards compability in the 40gigs.

That's just how ignorant some people can be.

If the PSP can do PSone emulation easily with software, you think the PS3 will have any trouble at all????

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#3 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

Its just the thing with video games at the moment, people treat it like the devils creation. Movies do these things all the time and people don't really care about it. Just imagine the manchester cathedral or church or whatever in a film and it was blown up, I think no one would make a big fuss about that.

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#4 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

Doesn't matter to me. As long as I can play games on my PS3 then it's all good.

Back to my other argument every time I see this, :cry: 25 min installs v. 10 second load times :cry: find something better to fight about people.

Totally agree, thats why im pissed at capcom for not making installation optional. If they did then non of these pointless threads and arguments would exist.

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#5 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I don't recall any bad language, didn't really notice it. I'd say its more voilent than it is on language. But its not really voilent as well, its just a littl ekilling here and there. Depends how you look at the game to be honest.

But to answer your question I'd say 1 in language since I can't remmeber there being any init at all, could be completely wrong tho.

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#6 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I mean, how many of you say you have witnessed the maximum power of PS3 already? I don't mean to turn this into system wars, but obviously the 360 has reached its peak threshold of potential, and is being pushed to the breaking point by now. It is surprisingly optimized enough to contend with PS3's graphics, though not pixel to pixel.

So, what I'm getting at is, has PS3 reached its limitations? Or have to yet to see the PS3 reach its maximum potential?

There's no denying the rock solid proof that Metal Gear Solid 4 will push the PS3's hardware to its breaking point. It is, after all, the last of series, as I've heard. Another question arises: Can we except nothing to top MGS4?

Also take into consideration the game play, for games such as Grand Theft Auto always go over the edge and use maximum system resources and hardware for an incredible simulation with endless replay ability, featuring (or attempting to feature) realistic physics (of what we've seen in the gaming industry).

So, the question is, Have you witnessed the maximum PS3 potential already?


How can you say 360 has reached its peak of potential, when you only seen games using Unreal Engine 3. You saying that it has reached its potential only because alot of the games look alot better on the 360 than PS3? what a typical fanboy.

What we know from uncharted devs at the moment is that uncharted only used 30% of cell or something like that so obviously it hasn't reached its potential.

I don't think MGS4 is pushing the PS3's hardware as much as you think, tahts why I actually think that MGS5 would come out because kojima wouldn't be 100% saaatisfied with MGS4.

GTA an incredible simulation with realistic physics, i doubt it.

With all that said, obviously we haven't witnessed the max potential of PS3. You one of them fakeboy people that is pretending to be Ps3 fan that is hating on 360 just to cause arguements?

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#7 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

Oblivion, call of duty online, and NCAA footballscott_e_42

Wouldn't call Oblivion a game with long replay value, its just a long game. Doesn't replay value mean something you play again after completion??(Maybe i got it all wrong all these years then)

I'd say Uncharted, that game got me playing til near 100% completion,(Haven't done that in a while).

Resistance and CoD4 also have great replay value.

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#8 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I think Lost Odyssey was a great game, just game felt very linear and felt thaat you had no control of how long you stay in one area. Game is very limited to 10 hours a disc and 10 levels a disc. Even though it stops you from getting too strong to make enemies feel to easy, it takes the RPG freedom away from you, Also party members with lower lvl can most likely level up with one fight, which doesnt make much sense.

Great story though, love the side stories as well

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#9 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

The PS3 is NOT region free, however most GAMES are.
Stranglehold for example was still regionlocked.hot114

You sure about that???

I thought they tried to only regoin lock the movie but couldn't so they just made the whoe thing regoin free, I could be completely wrong though

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#10 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

The shenmue you know and love is gone and has been replaced by this

Sorry. :(


OUCH that sucks so bad... I have heard about Shenmue online but I was hoping it was a sick joke. How could Sega let this franchise go. I believe Shenmue 1 and 2 to be the greatest games no one played. I suppose thats why we will never see Shenmue 3

I think you answered the question yourself, Sega let this franchise go because shenmue 1 and 2 was a great game that no one played.

Think so many gamers are praying for the sequel to be released but most likely it will never happen.

Thinking about this game makes me sad because I never would get to know the ending of this game. Maybe they should ban the word shenmue from internet game forums