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#1 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

It be great if the resident evil series were on PSN, is there anyway the remake or zero have a chance of getting released??

I was also wondering if PSone games on the PSN are region blocked or not

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#2 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I don't really see how reviews could affect the game sales that much, especially online reviews. The only people it affects are the people that goes on forums like this.

Like Halo, if that had a low score, im still sure it would have sold as well as it did. But for MGS4 even though it may get a really high score, I doubt it would sell anywhere near as good as halo 3

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#3 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I've said it before that Drakes Fortune is easily the best single player game i've played in YEARS. Nathan Drake is like an oridinary man in an extroardinary situation but clearly has an adventerous spirit. Lara Croft is REALLY well known but it's something I never got into. I know shes supposed to be the ultimate adventurer/treasure finder but no one cares about Lara Croft anymore. Character is old news and at least Drake is something fresh and new.


Think the image of Lara Croft will always be more famous. Lara croft was like a multimillion dollar franchise, mabe even multi-billion.

If your talking about games than I think Uncharted games are better by miles.

I might buy the nx tomb raider game to give it a chance, but I most likely wont enjoy it like i had with uncharted.

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#4 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

DMC2 was a very dissappointing game to many of the fans and was soooo easy. I just recently played the first three games believe that number 2 is a bit disappointing in ways but not as bad as what everyone says.

You do know the timeline right, DMC3->DMC1->DMC4->DMC2, so number 2 isn't that neccesary in the story line.

DMC4 is alot easier than 3, thats because i found 3 ridicolously hard.

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#5 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I've only plaed the demo of DMC4 so shouldn't really comment on it, got it pro-ordered and should arrive tomorrow. What I got from the demo was that it has very fast paced action with graphics which is pretty good.

AC on the hand is a very repetitive game, but if played the right way it can be very enjoyable. Hasn't got a difficulty setting and the fighting is soo easy its laughable. Since its meant to be a stealth game, I dont really mind. Game can be really annoying at times, but the ending is amazing.

Very obvious that these games cannot be compared with each other, but I guess thats not what you asked. So to get to point, 1st question you asked was which game is worth it. The price for AC is worth it, I presume you mean $37 and not £37 right, not really sure if AC is worth the full price. 2nd question is which one would you pick, I think I would have to go with DMC4, since I normally like japanese anime style game and storylines.

Why not keep AC and buy DMC4 I'm sure you enjoy them both.

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#6 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

If ps3 sells more than 360 in 2008, should lemmings start saving up $ for 720?



I think Ps3 would need to double the 360 sales which is near impossible, but may happen.. Since 360 still has that 1 year headstart they still have alot more consoes sold than PS3.

PS3 gamers need to start buying games as well, otherwise who the f**k wud wanna make exclusives for the platform if no1 buy games, it could also make multi-plat developers use PS3 as main console..

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#7 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

I still think they should have made it optional, so that would make stupid threads like this from existing.

And I actually want FFXIII to have an installation, so that it cuts as much loading time as possible, for JRPG's that people play for 50-100 hours on, every second cut off loading times could help so much.

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#8 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

to be honest i found the jump from normal to hard harder than the jump from hard to crushing.

Maybe because i got used to the game, but my advice would be too take everything slowly if you constantly die all the time than play it tactically, like shoot enemy 1 first, run to another area, kill enemy 2 etc... If it still doesnt work, take a break. I suck at games to be honest but didnt find this game too hard, plus if you die you continue at a spot not too far awy so it shouldn't get too annoying fordying all the time.

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#9 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

The Last Remnant's story loks alot better to me so far. But I'm not 100% sure I'll like it better in the long run. But from what I've seen of all three titles(FFXIII, FFXIII Versus, TLR), I like TLR's the most.


While I really want TLR as well, I am somewhat hesitant to get my hopes up over it. It's multiplatform, which I'm scared will take away from the game since they will have to reduce and hold back on a lot of stuff because they won't have an inferior 360 version (heaven forbid:roll: ). The graphics are well below what XIII/VS are offering, and I'm thinking it might have something to do with the 360. I'm not a Sony fanboy, but I am an RPG fanboy, and I hate to see this game be inferior because of too little space or whatever.

Eh, you say The Last Remnant story looks a lot better. I'm curious how 4-5 lines from each game's stories can tell you one is a lot better than the other? From what we have seen/read, the story seems slightly generic and they are focusing on an action game more than an RPG. I'm gonna hold off on any strong stance though, because all three games have very limited perspective to be taken.

Last Remnant graphics wont be as good as ff because it will be using UE3. not saying tahts a bad engine, but white engine was specifically made for the PS3/CELL..

Also i don't think the 360 version will be inferior to be honest. Not sure how much epic has improved the engine for the PS3, but for 360 the UE3 seems to work great.

Last remnant seems to interrest me alot more than XIII at the moment since we basically know nothing about it. But more hyped up about Versus more than any other game

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#10 shinigami-uk
Member since 2006 • 148 Posts

If you still haven't done it yet, then just put the northen statue facing north, easter statue facing east, southern statue facing west, westerrn statue facing south.