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I love missribs!!!:):):):)

I sent her a pm about my subs, that was pending for no more than 3 days,( I know it's selfish, but I want them looked at) and she checked them and accepted all of them. Im feel a little bad though, since GW has so many that he had for so long. She said she had a little time, so she did it for me. I love her. :D Yeah I know, it doesn't take much to please me.

KFCgravy's Anxiety Post

I know we beat that subject to death. Im not on any antidepressants, but I do have asthma. I was so dependent on my inhaler. I went on a cruise. I packed like 6 canisters of albuterol. I put 2 in my purse, and 2 in each of my luggage bags, just in case one ran out. Why? If I looked for it, even if I didn't need it, and it wasn't there I will panic. Just knowing I don't have it, will cause an attack. As a child, my mom called it my pacifier. I slpet with it. I always had one in my pocket. I stopped that though. I realized I wasn't always having an attack, I was just panicking. That's why I say, drugs last resort.

Im alomost there.

Im at 99%. I did see myself on the contrib. lists today. My score is pretty low though. lol So does that mean that I am a TU, or do they put that label next to your name?

Im busting my chops here.

Now I see what GW means. They usually get right back to me on my subs, but now they are taking a while. Why am I not on the contributors list for some of the show I sub to? The cp is also listed next to their name. How do you know who the editor is?

Im not hungry.

I don't have a appetite. Has anybody felt like this? I have to force myself to eat, all the while gagging. I thinks its because my birth control is wearing off. Im looking for a new Dr. here. I got tired of going all the way back for Depo. Sorry if that's too personal:D

My level

It stopped rising. i keep doing the same thing I did before. I guess I need to work harder.


What is everyone doing today? Im bored. Just schooling my 5yr old. I need to find a club to go to. I need some fun and drinks.


Im not going. After my father-in-law got a to my hubby he convinced him that it is a bad idea for me to go alone with 3 kids. I am pissed. He should know I am stronger than that, coming from a single mother. Another thing is, IM A MILITARY WIFE. Come on. I went through deployments and I still traveled without him, with our kids, and he didnt have a problem. Whatever, Im not going anywhere. I will just see him when he gets down here, because I think at least HE should have confidence in me if noone else does. PISSES ME TF OFF!!!:evil:

Driving Myself This Time...

Im taking my kids with me when I go see my hubby this time. The ride will only be 7 hours, not 12 like the greyhound. I will be gone for 2 weeks. Take care. I want everyone to enjoy their Easter.

Bought a puppy!!!

I got my kids a puppy. He is rednose pit mixed with bull dog. They don't know yet, but Im driving back to see my hubby this weekend, for Easter. They will be so happy. I had a lot of animals coming up. If I would have thought about how I didn't take care of them I might have changed my mind about getting it, but it's going to be fun having him. He's 8 weeks. He is SO ADORABLE! We asked our oldest, which is 5, what he would name a dog, and he had us laughing so hard. I guess he don't know what a dog's name should be like. He want to name the dog Freddy, Tony, and Skipper. :| Don't ask me... I don't know.