shontae1 / Member

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I had to catch a bus to go see my hubby. I moved here to get our house and everything together, before he has to switch jobs. Also for me to find a job. A ride from here to GA, 12HOURS! OMG!:evil: I was about to go out of my mind. I should have drove, but my brother works for this bus line, and it was free. That's why I haven't been on. What did everyone do this weekend?

Are you on my friend list?

If you want some cool friends, I have all of them. If you think you're cool and you're not my friend maybe you need to be. If you want to be cool, of course you need to be a friend of one of my friends, and of course friends with me. Stop thinking so much... just do it. Gwactuary and I were talking about how addictive the level and emblem thing can be, but I think the friend thing is all the same. :)

What is up with church?

I love to go to church, don't get me wrong. I just want to know, if anyone knows, why they ask for so much. They ask for offering more than once. They also require you to pay a family membership now, like a country club or something. They also have workshops and trips where they want all the members to attend. Church is expensive. I hear people say that they aren't going to church because they have no money. What is the world coming to? I thought church was free.

Im Angry, Show me how to use the Smileys

There is not a lot of smileys you can use on here to express your feelings. I posted in a off topic forum about t-shirt designs, and someone made me so upset. They completely didn't understand what I was saying. Instead they said I would have been slapped by a feminist, (like h-e-hockey stick-hockey stick) You would have to read it. What is a emoticon to show your REALLY REALLY mad? :)

What did you have for dinner?

I had pizza. Being on my diet, I don't eat fried foods, or junk foods. I took a break, so I have to work out really hard to recoup from it. IT WAS SO GOOD. I know Im a bad girl. ;)

My Brave son

My 2 year old had to get a lead test done today. He has never had blood drawn, but he didn't cry or anything! He did better than I would have. The Dr. had him playing with a tube that distracted him a little,and he just slid the butterfly right in. I was like, WHOA :o I was waiting for the cry, but he just whined a little. No tears. Im so proud of him. He's still a little clumsy though.


What is so special about this day? Nothing. They call wednesday, hump day. They should call today the boring day after hump day. All I have to look forward to, are my shows :D

Sunny Days

It is so hot down here. What kind of a sun is this shining down on the city that never sleeps? I go out side and Im like,"da*n"! I can hardly get my workout in. I love when it rains now. I hated the rain back in GA, but we had a lot. I still haven't gotten to see the night life.


I have been here for 3 months. No one has shown me any night life. WHAT IS THERE TO DO?!