@Maroxad: what's even more hilarious is that you tried to bring up quantum computers. Those computers only work if us humans do not consciously know certain information about the Q-bit. The fact that you deny the very fountain of quantum physics while arguing you know quantum physics is appalling.
Shrek's forum posts
@Maroxad: I stopped reading after this nonsense about quantum psychics not being tied to the human psyche. If you had looked up the experiments, you would have known better. The whole entire basis of quantum physics is that the human consciousness actually changes the outcome. And you are calling that science a lie. Sounds like you've subscribed to your own religion. Can someone please explain in simpleton terms for this guy that quantum physics is tied to our actual consciousness? So I don't have to explain yet again why this here is do idiotic?
"There is no connection between consciouness and the world of quantum mechanics in a way you would imply. The way interactions and observations work in quantum mechanics is that we humans can make an observation by interacting with other particles."
@Maroxad: if you would bother to look it up instead of babbling like an idiot, you'd know the experiments prove we have superpowers and can controls the very existence of physics using our minds.
@kod: explain the Quantum eraser and double slot experiment then. I doubt you know them. And use layman's terms. No copy and paste.
@kod: I don't think you know what those experiments are. They are the ones that prove humans have superpowers to alter space-time.
@kod: you made bro. Get a grip. Theories are theories. Both are sciences. One could even argue the Double Slot experiment and the Quantum Eraser prove divine creation.
@kod: they aren't based on facts. They are guesses. That's why String Theory exists. Please stop.
@Maroxad: the whole article acknowledges it's strictly theory as they know next to nothing about the stuff. Stop trying to pretend scientists agree with your idiocy.
@Maroxad: you can't plug in X amount of dark matter into some equation to predict anything if you can't measure or detect it. You can't claim 24% of the universe is dark matter if you can't measure or detect it either. You are just making up a lot of things to pretend you have an argument.
@Maroxad: dark matter is absolutely imaginary. It was invented because they couldn't fill the holes. There is no "the universe is composed of 24% dark matter." Dark matter is as made up as a sun god carrying the sun across the sky. Bullshit explanations for things they cannot comprehend or understand.
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