@Legend002: Stein's Gate is a teenage boy's fantasy plus bonus tranny and a lecherous old man who grabs said tranny's goods because... you know... it's a really, really weird teenage boy's fantasy...
@idunnodude: Bloodborne really is not hard. The difficulty is way overhyped. It just takes not rushing in head first screaming "YOLO!" Half of the bosses have huge blind spots, mostly just require just running around to their backside. And parry is OP. On top of the fact that you can always summon help, making it even easier. It's the reason why the speedruns of this game are so possible.
Have to play Dark Souls for 80 hours to beat the main story and that's great. Expected to play Metal Gear Solid for 30 to get bonus true ending and everyone loses their mind.
"I don't have time to even explain how I don't have time." That's the effort Bungee put into the story. Oh and the game resembles nothing of an MMO. No trading or selling with anyone. And that small community hub. The largest marketed game and the biggest lie. There should be a class action over this kind of thing.
Yuna from Final Fantasy. She was really pretty too. I wish they remade FFX instead of FFVII. But I loved Faith from Mirror's Edge too. Hardcore and everything. And Bayonetta is great. She's the female version of Dante. And Yennifer from Witcher 3 is awesomesauces.
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