shsonline's forum posts
PS. Wii supporters don't even really hype anything besides the games that already have a dedicated fanbase, I noticed.
[QUOTE="-SR388-"]please......shoot me in the face before i feel even more stupid.
edit:in case it doesnt come across i am not in any way being serious about anticipating the game, but i would rather get shot in the face than hear another word about it.
Didn't KZ on PSP score 8.5?????? after that 6.9???????????????
KZ2 i'd consider AA already.
Youre comparing two different genres with the same franchise name. Why don't you compare Mario soccer on handheld and Mario Galaxy while you're at it?
He was on ESPN and told the reporter that he doesnt like NCAA, he said his favorite game by far is Gears of War...I thought that was kinda cool, the first athlete to not say playing himself in madden or ncaasalvod123
Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards loves Halo. He even funds a professional Halo team.
The elusive AAA score is just a status symbol of how good a console is in the eyes of fanboys. Plus it is just Gamespot's opinion - one which I have found to be at times biased, picky and plain wrong. I tend to go by my own opinions of a product since there are many AA games worthy of a AAA rating...-Spock-
Dead Rising should have been AAA.
LOL @ those who hype Killzone 2
[QUOTE="shsonline"][QUOTE="jachichorro"]Thank god theres no reggaeton in videogames...yet. It's bad already that I have to deal with gangsta rap. Led Zeppelin FTW!TemplaerDude
No one cares what kind of music you like. I'm sure some people would feel the same way about rock.
The only difference is that those people are wrong.
You don't get out much do you? Not a people person?
See there's a thing called taste and cultural preference...and not everyone has the same as you.
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