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shyguy1234 Blog



Wazzup mah GS friends? Itsa shyguy1234, and I apologize for my recent inactivity, because I have HAD MANY things to deal with. But they are not bad. :D

OK, so there is a dance coming up @ my school, and as usual, I was going. I was not planning for this to happen though;

I have a DATE to the dance :D :D :D :D

How did I, a hopeless romantic, get a date? Well, it all started out when my one friend, discovered who I liked. The next day, @ lunch, shes asks me "
"Oh can I ask Taylor to the dance for you?" (Taylor, being her name And I, being kind of shy, say "wh-what? No!" She proceeds to complain about how such a cute couple we would make, and etcetera, and finally, I submitted.

I did not get the answer until TODAY, which waz a very long time as my spring break began last Thursday, and lasted til Tuesday, being today. Taylor told me one of her friends waz supposed to tell me the answer, but she forgot to, leaving me to have to wait, until today. Hoever TODAy, one of her friends came up to me and gave me a note, and she said "It's from Taylor." I opened the note, and my heart skipped a beat (in a good way) Dont beleive me? This is EXACTLTY wut the note said

Heyy! Sorry I didn't get to talk to you on Wednesday. I feel really bad about making you wait all spring break to tell you. I'll try not to make you wait any longer. Haha! Anyhow, my answer is yes!(Here is where my heart skipped a beat.)I am pretty positive I am going to be at the dance unless I can't make it. So, see you there!

At this point I was extremel;y happy.

So I'll try to make sure Im more active than I was, But I m SO happy.

Ur friend, shyguy


Wassup friendzies? Its a me shyguy, and I was SO bored that I took four different quizzes! :P

Lol I LOVE quizzes. Its so cool how it takes ur answers and all that. :P The first quiz I took was an elemental quizzy. The website:
For 64 % you are: Your element is Water.
You are quite a calm person, and you love the water. You can keep your head in times of crisis. You control Water.

The SECOND was a KH quizzy. The site:
AND I got
Your Demyx

Your Demyx quiz

Your carefree and hate fighting, your mellow in personality and that makes a lot of friends. However your a little naive and you can get over emotional quickly, you hate having enemies and try to make friends even if it looks hopeless. This can be admirable but here's a tip, be careful and think of the dangers the people who dislike you might not hesitate to start a fight like you.
(I lold at this one :lol: )

The 3rd quizzy I took was a Zelda one. The SITE:

And I go

You are a Deku Scrub
Your anthem is probably "I'm Just a Kid" by Simple Plan. You'll probably agree with everything that song has to say. You feel like a small speck of dust in the world. You're rejected for some unnamed reason, and you don't see why. You're nice, friendly, and kind, but nobody likes to be your friend these, who needs them. Popularity sucks. This is also Wind Waker Makar's result!

The LAST quizzy was a MGS one :o The site:
I got:
Most like Sniper Wolf.
conservative and a hopeless romantic. It's likely that you could be described as the girl next door gone wild, but with a twist of wistfulness and resilience. You can be overwhelming with your passion, but are patient to find the things that you want. You dont need anyone else to complete you but care more about what you can do to finish the job. To sum it up you are probably the perfect solemn soul.

:lol: accordin to that quiz I am a woman :P But I dont care, SW is aepicly awesome :P

Thats it fo his blog. YES I was EXTREMELY bored, but dont judge me, okay? Take these quizzies for yourself and see what ya get :D

This is MADNESS!




lol sorry, just HAD to do that :P

Well anyaway, its a me, Shyguy, and I am trapped inside my house! Why? Becuz if you have heard, the east coast is suffering from a humoungous blizzard And if you know me well enough, you'll know that I live in PA, which is on the east coast!

Yeah, I woke up this morning and looked out my window and ALL I saw was white :P Like literally it almost blinded me. And now Im still looking ayt a blizzard. I already had 30 inches of snow before, and I think there is already another foot and a half :roll: AND when my dad gets home from work (I dont know WHY the hell he went to work) I get too shovel it. Yay......! Well at least one good thing com,es out of this blizzad, im off school! :D Yay!

Well, Ive been playing mah PS3 and wii ALLLL day. On PS3, I just beat Uncharted 2, Among thieves. It is defiently an AWESOME game, I enjoyed it alot.On my wii, I was pwning people on Conduit online. I got a nine-in-a-row killing spree :o

Im thinkin of goin a new profile theme lately. Im thinkin either Samus or Uncharted. IDK we'll see

Well thats it I geuss. Seey all when this blizzard blows over and I feel like blogin again


Finally I'm back

yo what up home dawgs?

:P Okaaaaay lets try that again

Heya friends, how ya doing. Its Shyguy1234 n Im FINALLY back :D While I was gone, I was tending to my sick mother (read my prev blog) and trying to survive the piles of homework that I have had to do in school. My mother got better bout a week after I posted that blogso yay! :) This blog is basically a summary of what i did while away


Well for one, my mom got better :) and two, SCHOOL. IDK HOW many times I say this, but I just get more $#!+ to do every day. -_- Take mah math class for example; In the beggining of the third quarter, we had about 5 problems to do veery night. Now, we have about TWENTY -_- Omy God its horrrible, I spend about an hour on homework :cry: Oh and in Language Arts? WE have a freekin project, and it was assigned a week ago, and its due TODAY. Well, Im sick today (thats why Im posting this blog :P) And I have a bad feeling about whats gonna happen on Monday :shocked:*sigh* Well there is one good thing out of school-ya get smarter. And Im apparently very smart cuz


Hoooweee its beeen awhile since I seen one of these :D I got one when I was in 8th grade and OMG I was so happy. I am a genius 8) :P ANYWAY the grades I got on my RC are

LA: 99 :shock: A

Math: 98:Shock: A

World Language: 99:shock: A

Physical education: 100:shock: A

Science: 97 :shock: A

Technology education: 97 :shock: A

WOO! It rocks being smart!


"AIght so-140.15. Okay cool."

"Hey hotness whats up?"

"who the **** are you?!"

"Its.... not important."

Lol can anyone name where those lines come from :lol:

ANyway My life with gaming is pretty good. Mosta its on my PS3 though. Like lets see, I played a DOZEN demos over the weekend. I played so many that IDK all of them. They were all pretty damn god though. The top 3 were

3.Ratchet and clank (IDK which one it was)

2.Soulcalibur 4


Ratchet and clank was pretty fun platforming. SOulcalibur was awesome, Im a HUGE SC fan.

And bayoneeta raelly surprised me. I didnt think very highly of it at first, but its to over the top crazy and awesome. The action is very fast paced, the enemies are kinda weird but fun to slash hrough, and there is blood flying EVERYWHERE. Oh and bayonetta's hot :P Just felt likeblurting that out :lol: Ignore my pervertedness, but its a very fun game. Though it may not be perfect for anyone (In the game you play as a witch and kill angels. Yeah I know not the perfect religous game for a Christian like me, but I ignore it cuz 1.The angels dont even look like angels (I thought they were supposed to be human) and 2.The bosses look more like greek gods) it surely is a great action game. lol Im saying all this and I only played the demo :lol: I need to get the full version

I also made a bet with my sister: If I can go the month of February without playing ANYTHING Metal Gear Solid related, i get 25 dollars. I know it doesnt sound worth it but I could use that money to get MGS3 subsitence. Ive heard its even better than the actual MGS3 so yeah. And Im totally gonna win this bet cuz I just got Uncharted and Uncharted 2 from gmefly, so I'll be busy

Thanks 4 reading.

Dont expect me to be on very often...

Why? Because my mom is sick:(. She has the same thing my lil bro had; fever, tired, somewhat nauseous, and headaches plus stomacheaches. Basically whenever my dad's not home, im in charga tha house. My dad works like literally 12 hour shifts, and that means Im in charge for a looong time. I understand that my mom aint feelin well, so I do all of her chores, like I offer to cook, clean up, and get her anything she needs. I even pick my younger sibs up from their bus stop :o Please excuse any absences I may have on the site, and please pray for mah mom :)

Your thankful friend,


Wow, I have not been on in a while...

Wassup mah over-the-internet friends? Its a me shyguy, back from a rather large holiday break from GS. Please excuse my absence, for I have been busy (with video games :lol: ) and other issues. This is gonna be a catch up blog for everything that happened in the past 11 days.

Christmas stuff.....

Christmas this year was absolutely one of the best. I got a whole buncha games and electronics. My top 3 gifts were:

3.New Mp3 playah

2. The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks

AND numero uno..... A friggin PS3!!!!!! :D :D :D :D Omg I was so happy when i got that thing. Like literally I couldnt speak at all. :P Anyway I got 4 games fo it: Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns pf the Patriots( One of the best games I have EVERRRRRRRRRRR played) Little Big planet game of the year edition, Prince of Persia, and Batman Arkham Asylum. I just beat Batman today and wow what a great game :D I beat MGS4 about 6 days ago, and Im almost done Prince of Persia n about 1/2 through LBP.

Spirit tracks, OMG this is absolutely 100% Better than PH. Hell, I call it the best handheld Zelda yet :D I just love it soooooo much. Ilove the new train mechanic, because its so strategic cuz you gotta avoid the other trains and I often find myself making sudden turns and reverses :P I also love the new items, my fav is the whip. I just love it its like WA-CHEEE!!!:P :lol: The only thing I dont like is the spirit flute songs. In fact, Im stuck becuz I cannot get past the song with the sand Lokomo, Rael. Anybody got any tips? :?


Now, I present to you the top five games that I played in the past year. Note that these are the games that I played. Without further ado, #5 es

Metal Gear solid 3 Snake eater
Comments: Really fun game, cool outdoor mechanics, and great boss fights
Fav Character: The Boss
Fav Qoute:"You're a soldier! Finish your mission!"-The Boss


Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
Comments: Great RPG, addciting and very humourous
Fav Character: Fawful
Fav Qoute:"I HAVE CHORTLES!"-Fawful


Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty
Comments: Absolutely astounding, pretty good graphics, and great plot
Fav Character: Raiden
Fav Qoute:" I saw a man hiding in a cardboard box."-Olga Gurlukiovich


The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
Comments: See above :P
Fav Character: Zelda
Fav Qoute:"I'll stay here and wait like 0all princesses, becuase thats what princess' have always done. From what I understand its kind of a family tradition."-Spirit Zelda



The winner is....

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Boxshot

Metal gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots

Comments: Absolutely fun, highly addictive, full of surprises and great plot, and memorable boss fights

Fav Character: Big Boss (He reminds me of the Boss)

Fav Qoute:"Behold! Guns of the Patriots!!"-Liquid Ocelot

Thanks friends for takin da time to read :D

Yo friend,


What does the scouter say about this blog's awesomeness level??


WHAT, NINE THOUSAND!!!!!????!?!?!?!

lol welcome to mah blog again, mates :P No I do not watch dragon ball Z, but I DO love that. :lol:
ANYWAY, Im in a VERY bloggy mood today, so this is just gonna be an update blog. :D


Well there is three words that can describe the games I have been playing lately. METAL. GEAR. SOLID. Omg, I got MGS2 and MGS 3 from gamefly awhile back, and I absolutely LOVED them. They were such great games. I found like, NOTHING wrong with them. The games had EXCELLENT graphics, great voice acting, awesome stealthy action and great action. The games also have the absolute BEST storyline in any game Ive played :D It was filled wih many twists and shocks. And omg, the cutscenes are like gems. But man, I almost cried at the ending cutscene of MGS3. It was SOOO sad :(


All it is lately is school, school, school, school, and MORE school. :x I friggin hate it. I get so much damn work that I barely can finish it all. Thats all thats going on in life. Oh and it snowed last saturday! :D :D And it may snow tonight. It makes me happy :)

Sword of Shadows

Sorry that I have been unable to get this thing up yet. Like I said, school has been piling work on me, but I gaurantee that i will get the first chapter up this week :D

Thats all!


PS I KNOW that this was a rather short blog :P

Tagged. Yipee....!

Thanks to BlazikenTails64, as I have been tagged again. Here come mah 10 facs....

1.I love Snyder hard pretzels (in fact as I type this blog, i am eating some:P)

2.I am currently playing Metal Gear Solid 2. Itsfreekin awesome ;)

3. I hate the redskins (football team)

4.this is my third time bein tagged :x

5. I hate tagging, I wish the mods or SOMEBODY would put n end to it :x

6. I am getting ready to undergo a new profile theme (will probably have somethin to do with MGS2)

7.I am hating school very much

8.I have six friends in school

9. STILL dont have a girlfriend :cry:

10.Ive been a member of GS since may 17th, 2008.

I. am not tagging anyone. Like I say in this round, I want taggin to stop.

The TRUE winner! O_O = 100th blog! O_O

Hello mi amigos. Its a blog. In case ya didnt know :lol: Well, after reading a lot of the comments on my prev blog, I just decided, well this is OBVIOUSLY the winner. So without further ado, the winner is........

1: The Legend of Zelda The Sword ofShadows
This fanfic will take place at about two years after the events of TP. Link longs to see Midna, his lost friend, and decides to do something about it. He finds rare minerals of Hyrule and uses them to recreate the Mirror of Twilight and out comes Midna. However, when Link does this, a starnge, mad man named Gurgenleaves along with Midna and uses the power left in the temple of time along with his twili power to create a pure evil substance plainly called Shadow. Link being the hero tries to defeat this evil man but fails drastically and wakes up in the forest haven in faron woods. He and Midna team up to defeat Gurgen once and for all. (Note this one will be rated T for Mild language, and violence) and Midna actually BATTLES in this one!

Yes numero uno! Alright, Im gonna post the first chaptah in a coupla days. You will know its a story blog if it has this: SoS Chp *insert # here* So for th first chaptah, it will say: SoS Chp 1. Be sure though, I may throw in a normal blog in the mix evry once in a while.

100th blog! O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O


ANYWAY, its mah 100th blog O_O Its been a long road to it, Ive gone through many unions, posts, ratings, friends, trolls, and a moderation to get here. It sure did take a long time, but it was well worth it. I have DEFINETLY gone through many themes for my blog, and blog posts of many dif kinds. Many thanks to mah friends and unions to get here.

Your bloggy friend,


PLEASE read this blog also! :P

Hiya friends. Shyguy1234 here. The five days of voting for my fanfic are over , and I have got myself a winner! The winner is...

1: The Legend of Zelda The Sword ofShadows
This fanfic will take place at about two years after the events of TP. Link longs to see Midna, his lost friend, and decides to do something about it. He finds rare minerals of Hyrule and uses them to recreate the Mirror of Twilight and out comes Midna. However, when Link does this, a starnge, mad man named Gurgenleaves along with Midna and uses the power left in the temple of time along with his twili power to create a pure evil substance plainly called Shadow. Link being the hero tries to defeat this evil man but fails drastically and wakes up in the forest haven in faron woods. He and Midna team up to defeat Gurgen once and for all. (Note this one will be rated T for Mild language, and violence) and Midna actually BATTLES in this one!

2: The Legend of Zelda The Mask of Wrath
This fanfic will take place one year after the events of majora's Mask. Link finally returns to termina and all of Clocktown and everybody is happy to see him, especially Skull Kid, tatl and tael. The four catch up on each other and then just explore round clocktown. Clocktown has been greatly expanded with new shops and buildings. However when Link and Skull Kid enter a strange back alley, they discover a HUGE graffiti on the wall. It shows pictures of the four, red people, a giant spider, a chameleon, and worst of all, a hearts shaped mask that has spikes sprouting out of it, with beady glowing eyes. And in bloody red letters, it says : THE MASK HAS RETURNED. Link and Skull Kid know exactly what the cryptic message means, and then encounter the Happy mask Salesman. He explains what has happened, and then the adventure begins. (Rated T for Mild Language, violence, and some disaster sequences) Skull Kid also fights in this one!

These two~! yep we gots ourselves a tie. Actually, #2 only lost by one point, so I thought, eh what the hell. Give it another shot ;) So now, my friends, PLEASE gather some time, and vote o one of these two stories. ONLY ONE OF THEM! AND NO CHANGING THE VOTE! On that note, happy late thanksgiving :P and voting!

Your friend,
