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shyguy1234 Blog

PLEASE read this blog!

Hiya friends. Did I catch your attention with the title of this blog? If I did, then please do read on( I need everybody's opinion on this blog)

The time has come for my new fanfic to arrive! The only problem is is that I have thought of SO many of em that I cant decide on one! :P So that is why I have asked yOU to come onto this blog n vote on my fanfic! :D

All of these but ONE is my idea the other one was asked by BlazikenTails64:) Alrighty the are (there are a total of4 fanfic options :D)

1: The Legend of Zelda The Sword ofShadows
This fanfic will take place at about two years after the events of TP. Link longs to see Midna, his lost friend, and decides to do something about it. He finds rare minerals of Hyrule and uses them to recreate the Mirror of Twilight and out comes Midna. However, when Link does this, a starnge, mad man named Gurgenleaves along with Midna and uses the power left in the temple of time along with his twili power to create a pure evil substance plainly called Shadow. Link being the hero tries to defeat this evil man but fails drastically and wakes up in the forest haven in faron woods. He and Midna team up to defeat Gurgen once and for all. (Note this one will be rated T for Mild language, and violence) and Midna actually BATTLES in this one! :shock:

2: The Legend of Zelda The Mask of Wrath
This fanfic will take place one year after the events of majora's Mask. Link finally returns to termina and all of Clocktown and everybody is happy to see him, especially Skull Kid, tatl and tael. The four catch up on each other and then just explore round clocktown. Clocktown has been greatly expanded with new shops and buildings. However when Link and Skull Kid enter a strange back alley, they discover a HUGE graffiti on the wall. It shows pictures of the four, red people, a giant spider, a chameleon, and worst of all, a hearts shaped mask that has spikes sprouting out of it, with beady glowing eyes. And in bloody red letters, it says : THE MASK HAS RETURNED. Link and Skull Kid know exactly what the cryptic message means, and then encounter the Happy mask Salesman. He explains what has happened, and then the adventure begins. (Rated T for Mild Language, violence, and some disaster sequences) Skull Kid also fights in this one!

3: Metroid Dark Prime
This Fic will take place about 3 years after Metroid Prime 3 Corruption. Samus Aran is now staying with the Federation to help out with organizations and other minor battles. she has become the greatest hunter in the galaxy, as called by the deadly Space pirates. However, one day, the evil hunter Sylux, joins the Space pirates and launches an attack on the Federation. It is an epic battle, and sadly evil prevails. Sylux snuck away with the last carton of Phazon in the galaxy and gives it to the new and improved Ultima Ridley. Ridley then orders his men to get the exoskeletal remains of Metroid Prime on tallon IV. They recover it, and resurect Metroid prime with the Phazon and a copy of Samus' armor to create Dark prime. The war begins... (rated T for Intense violence sequences)

4: How It all Happened (A kirby fic) *This one was asked by BlazikenTails64*
This one will just take place at some random time in kirby series moments. Meta Knight has no clue how he got where he is and desires to know it all. he sets out on a journey to many different planets and destroys many monsters, that somehow give him pieces of his memory. When he finally gains it all back, he realizes he may have to even destroy the halberd... (IDK what this would be rated)

Sorry, but I REALLY suck at summaries of stories :lol:

OKay so I need my friends who read this blog to vote on which story I should write. The rules are that you may vote for 2 fics, but thjere is no changing your vote!

If there is more than one winner, i will do another voter and then the fic shall be chosen!

So start voting! I will anounce da winners in 5 days! :)

Your friend,


Starting something new

Hiya friends. :) Shyguy1234 is present again and would like to announce something.

After somewhat of a dissapointment with my other fanfic (The battle for pik-pik, sadly I cannot finish it. ( Check out what was made of it in the Nintendo fanfiction union)) I am going to start a NEW fanfiction, that will take place on this very blog! :o

yeah, I still have time to think about it and stuff and if you do not wanna read it, then feel free to pass, but Im gonna keep continuing til Im finished.

Anybody have any ideas on one, cuz Im sure I can bring it to life :)

Just post your idea in a comment :)

Your writing friend,


Christmas and Thanksgiving are nearly here! =o

HolaAmigos. Como estas?
(Hello Friends. Jow are you? :P)

Well welcome back to mah blog. Im kinda bored and I looked at the calendar today and saw the date and i was like WOAH!!

Why was I like that? For two reasons:

1. I hardly EVER look at the calendar and pay NO ateention to te date. So I was shocked when I saw that

2. The two biggest holidays of the Q4 are near!

Yes Thanksgiving and Christmas are nearby! For Thanksgiving, this is gonna be one part, you know, whos comin oer, what we ae having for dinner. For christmas ya know, my list and thr TRUE meaning (expect that to be LONG)

THANKSGIVING: Well today is the 8th. Yes that means that TG is less than 3 weeks away. Im really happy bout that because Thanksgiving is usually the time when my like entire family gets together and has a heck of a day. During the day, we have some nice conversations, geting caught up with whats going on(my particular favorite conversation i the one with my gay cousin Ryan. :lol: Dont ask why, he is just really funny )Dinner is the BESTESt part. usually my dad cooks some nice smoked ham on da grill (he is like a god on the grill) and mah mom gets the turkey stuffed up and perfectly cooked. We also have some nice creacent roll and mashed potatos and corn (gotta love dem corn :P) We ALWAYS say grace before we chow down. Its always pretty damn good and Im stuffed afterwards (now I know how that turkey feels :P)

CHRISTMAS: On my little bro's B-Day(Novemer 25th) its a month til the best Holiday of da YEAR. CHRISTMAS! :D I always look forwards to Christmas each year. I just love the decorations n the godd gingerbread men and cookies. My list for dis year is

New MP3(My old one has gone through many feats, and if i getta new one, Im gonna be nice and give my old one to my sis)

Zelda Spirit Tracks(Ifigure I can wait til Christmas to wait for it :D)

Wii Fit Plus

Rubix 360 ( I love solving puzzles)

Sims 3 (PC)

Chibi Robo (One of the best GC games ever. I dont have a copy anymore :()

LOL thats all I can think of right now :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, the TRUE meaning,*waits for the lightsto dim* OK

If you think Christmas is all about getting gifts from your parents and staying home from school, then you are COMPLETELY incorrect.*NOTE! If you are not Christian or do not want to read my speech, then skip this part!*


Mary, a young women, discovered that she was going to have a baby. An angel messenger from God told her that. Note that this was going virgin birth. if you dont believe this skip it. She and her husband traveled to many different towns, in search for a hotel. On the last hotel, the keeper allowed them to stay in the stable. In that stable, Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Three Wise Men followed the star and found the baby. They gave the baby gifts.

Alighty, when Jesus grew up, he told all people about how great the Lord was and he told them that he was the son of God. Some other jewish leaders did not believe Jesus. They captured him and pinned him to a wooden cross. There he died on the cross.

NOTICE he died on the cross for US! He wanted us to be forgiven for the horrible sins we have done! He LOVED us and dint want us to rot in hell like Adam!

ANOTHER note YOU are born dead. NO not physically dead, but SPRITUALLY dead. This means that you are not connected to God or Jesus Christ. BUT, if you DO believe that Jesus died on the cross for YOu and CONFESS that you are a sinner, you are ALIVE (SPIRITUALLY, along with physically) All I can say is that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.

I am sure that if you type in something like How to become Christian or something in a google search bar, it will give you what to say. If you confess and believe, you have made the WISEST decision in your life . If you have done it, go out to church, read the Bible, tell someone your decision.


(Note I know some of my facts about Jesus' were somewhat incorrect, but that is because I havent read the book of matthew and tuff in awhile, so please excuse that :))

Your Christian friend(who is trying to get YOU to become Christian)


Tagged again!

Many thanks to shadowslayer956, as now I have been tagged -_- Here come my 15 facts...

1. My favorite movie (one with actual people) is transformers

2. My favorite animated movie is 9

3. I have never had a girlfriend... :cry:

4. Ihave a brawler card

5. This is my second time being tagged (if you have not noticed :P)

6. I love fiddling with technology :P

7. I enjoy reading mangas

8. My majora's mask data was recently erased, so now I get to get ALL of my stuff back!....

9.I love using this smiley : :lol:

10. I have hypnotized myself before (go on youtube and type in hypnotize yourself :P)

11. I like reading books

12. My favorite music groups are : Linkin park, Nickelback, Daughtry, and KISS

13. I get bored easily

14. I am fast at typing

15. I am more than likely to try and get my friends to become Christians

Okay, thatssa bout it. Im not going to be tagging anyone else, to hopefully bury this dreaded game :lol: (Look! I used it again! :P)

I am so PO'd! >=(

Hello friends. This is shyguy, coming at you live from my very anger filled moment. Why am I angry you ask?

WEll let's just say that my school is full of @$$#01E$ (If anyone can decode that, congratulations :P)

Why do I say that, you ask?

Well lets just say that my work was deleted by someone :evil:

Why? I do not know. All I know is is that I AM PI$$ED.

Here, is what happened:

Today, October 19th, 2009 in the US, I walk into my biology class. After a bit of explaining on what we were supposed to do, I hop on a computer with my partner for a project. The project was on a disease. OUR disease was tuberculosis. OK so we had like, the PERFECT power point for our project. It was filled with great details, we added some pictures and captions, and I swear it was pretty damn good. So we open up our powerpoint AND

Its gone.

I swear it was ALL gone. The screen said "Please click to create first slide" Me and my partner were staring at each other and the screen, and we LITERALLY said this at the same time:

What the hell?!

And the worst part is is that the first slide said this


WTF?!?!?!?!?! :evil:

After a bit of shock, we both got up and explained it to our teacher. She told us that she would figure out who did it.

But DAMN! There goes all that hard work and time for NOTHING!!!! Well we looked at the other powerpoints and they were deleted too.

Another thing...

OK so at lunch my friend Colby said something was wrong with his locker. He asked me n my friend connor to come see if we could fix it. We (somehow) got outta the cafeteria and we get to his locker, OK? His locker had something written on it. IN big red letters it said:


All three of us stared at each other and we were like WTF????

And the worst part is

I am FRIENDS with that Jen.

Iwent back to the lunch room, and I see my friend Jen BAWLING. She apparently heard about it because I swear she could cry herself a river.

Now do you see why my school is full of @$$#01E$?

God I just wish that the school year would be over already. The bad thing is though, I havent even been in school for two MONTHS.

Looks like Im gonna be in hell for awhile.


I am going to stop my bosses countdown. Iam too angry and I have too much schoolwork. :( Sorry:(

Your >=( friend,


Shyguy's top 10 Boss Battles #10

Starting something new here! :P Welcome to my new and Improved TOP10 BOSS BATTLES!!!! *listens to voice echo* :lol:

ANYWAY, Ima gonna be doing my FAVORITE boss battles outta ALL the games I have played. Im gonna do one at a time (sorry :P) and TRY to update at leas once a day. So without further ado, mi numero de diez fav boss battle is...

XEMNAS from Kingdom hearts 2!
Boss music

Coming from out of the depths of nothingness, Xemnas really was a tough fight the first time through. I almost died( I had LITERALLY a quarter inch of health left), but it truely was an epic fight. I really thought the music was a great touch, and I actually stopped dead in my tracks to listen to it. :P But anyway, Xemnas is the leader of Organization 13 (google it :P) and he defintly desreves it. You fight him in about five different forms, but his last is my favorite. He attacks with these like cool light saberish things and can create clones of himself to confuzzle you. he can dash through portals and telport right in front of your face. He also shoots these wierd red thingamajigers at you, and they are really hard to dodge. :roll: But itsa small price to pay for epicness.

Numero 9 is going to be either tomorow or the next day! :)

Im B-B-B-B-BACK!!!!!!!!

Heya friends! If you can read, then you now know that your friend , shyguy1234, is BACK! :D MY life outside of GS was.... OK. A lot happened though. SOme goods and bads for shyguy. But mostly bads. I got a good share of games in my time as well. Well heres a rundown of what happened in my life while I was gone....


-I gotsa bunch a new games.A very good oneoutta the bunch is:

Bully: Scholarship Edition: When I first went into Gamestop and saw this game on Wii, I was a lil nervous. I mean it looked like a good game but yet a bad game because of the name "Bully" Well it turns out I was wrong, as this game is FANTASTIC. The controls are great and slick. The graphics looked great when I compared it to the original version. In this game, ya pretty much do whatever you want; you could be a good kid an go to class and defend weak kids from bullies, OR you could be the bully yourself. Its pretty much a do whatever the hell ya want game. A very good game that anyone can try.


-Yeah there was only really one good thing.

-Im back in school. :x Dammit summer felt so short that I remembered the day we got out :( I like my teachers, but my classmates are the worst part. Their all dirty rotten teenagers :evil: Especially the ones in my life science class. They make fun of me and mock me and alll that crap.

-My Wii is broken. :( :o Im going to apparently have to send it back to Nintendo so they may fix it. The problem is that every single game I try to play freezes on me and brings me to the error message screen. I tried using my wii lens cleaning kit, but that didnt help at all. :( So Im gonna be without my favorite gaming console for about sixteen days :cry:

Ive also seen the GS game hero competition and I was shocked by some of the results. Like first off.. HOW could kirby lose to pac-man?????? And then I saw that in the first competition Link was in, he only led by like 60%. wtf? :?

Oh and I also got a:

Click here to level up my card!

Brawl card! Please leve up! :)

Anyway this is your returning friend, shyguy1234!!!! :) :D

So...this is it...

Hey there friends. its a me, Shyguy. I have somethin to say...

Im...Im leaving Gamespot. yes, its kinda shocking, but Im losin interest in posting in the forums, and im getting angry with some of Gs's parts. Like the Conduit's review, and last year, smash bros missin out on all the awards for game of the year. And oh my Good Lord, how big the amount of trolls there are! :evil: THAT is what really makes me mad. :x But anyway, Im happy about how many people share my belief in Jesus Christ, and share my taste in gaming, but GS is begining to bore and anger me. :( But if im an officer in any union, please dont demote me cuz you never know if a miracle may happen :)

But you dont know if a miracle can come :(

And to conclude this, I would like everyone to just... say what theyve always thought about me.You know, like if youve thought I was an idiot, retard nice guy, great friend, and other stuff. And with that, please do that :)

Peace out :)

A win-win-win solution

Alrihgty friends. youre probably wondering why the blog has such a wierd title. Well its because I scored! OK the FIRST win:

I got Wii sports resort! :D Its such a fun game. All the modes arepretty fun. My favorite is sword showdown. It makes me feel like im in the Legend of Zelda, slicing a bunch of enemies into pieces. :P I also enjoy Archery. Its socool how it all feels so real, and I find impossible to not imagine the arrow thudding into an enemy (I want that new Zelda Wii game already!! :P) And the motion plus is incredible. Its what gives the game the realistic feel. And the BESTpart is; My dad didnt have to pay a CENT of it! :o Thats because I traded in a couple of games, and my sis and brother even pitched in and threw in a coupla games too!

2nd win: OK my dad had told me before I traded in the games (meaning yesterday) that I would have to wait til Friday because he was short on money. Then I said I could trade in some games and get Spore galactic adventures. Well today i realized we had enough money from the traded ingames to afford wii sports resort. So my dad said on Friday he'd get me spore galactic adventures.

And my 3rd Win: Ok I had to trade in games (as you already know :P) to get the new wii sports. Sadly, one of my games was twilight princess. :( BUT it was the GC version, and my dad said I could get the Wii version in September because he gets a large bonus then. And besides, Ive always wanted to try the wii version anyway. So I cant wait for september! :D

This concludes my blog! See ya next blog!

-your friend, shyguy1234

Shyguy1234's fav games #1!!!! :o

Previously, on shyguy1234's fav games:

10.The Conduit
The Conduit Boxshot

9.Pikmin 2
Pikmin 2 Boxshot

8.Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64 Boxshot

7.Mario & Luigi superstar saga
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Boxshot

6.Kingdome Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts II Boxshot

5.The Legend of Zelda majora's mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Boxshot

4.Super mario galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy Boxshot

3.Punch out!!
Punch-Out!! Boxshot

2.metroid prime
Metroid Prime Boxshot

And now, the moment we have been waiting for, my #1 game so far is....... wait for it.........

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Boxshot

The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker!!!!Hm, I wonder if any of you saw this coming? well if you thought it was a Zelda game, you can pat yourself on the back :P My original favorite game was ocarina of time, but like majora's mask, I replyed Wind waker. After finally completing it, getting EVERY single item, I realized that even though they say OoT is the best, it isnt the most enjoyable. But anyway enough about OoT, lets get onto WW itself. The graphics are DEFINETLY a huge difference, because WW introduced cel-shaded graphics to Zelda. And it was a great option. everything is so polished and gives you that artistic feel. The msuic is really clA$$ic Zelda, bringing some new and old zelda tunes to the library. Storyline, still great like any other zelda title. But with a few twists and turns. You play as Link, a young boy at about the age of 12. He lives a peaceful life on the island of outset. but on his twelfth b-day, he grows the age of the legendary hero of hyrule, and must wear his garments for the day. But he encounters a band of pirates and has to rescue their leader from a fiercome bird. He saves her, but then his sister gets kidnapped by the bird. Link then joins with the pirates to save her sister, and thats just the first like 15 minutes of the game.

The Combat and puzzle solving is where a zelda fan will feel at home. the puzzles are very cleverly disigned, like in one of the temples, link has to freeze and enemy into stone by using his partenersharp that can reflect light. He then resumes to place the frozen enemy on a switch to open the door and quickly get out of the room with his partner. Yeah, great puzzles. Combat is AWESOME. Its pretty fast paced and you need to actually think occasionally to take out an enemy. Sword combos are AWESOME when you rack em up. Link can also execute new parry attacks to beat his enemies. Like for one attack, link dodges a sword swipe by dodging to the side, and rolls behind his enemy and slashes its @$$. :P The second parry attack is my fav, where Link jumps over the sword swipe, and slashes at the monsters head. wind waker also introduces sailing, a new element to the zelda series. You buy a sail fo your boat, and youre off! But to reach maximum speed, link has to move with the wind. But the wind wont always be the way where you want and i'll say how to change in a minute. Link can also access cannons, salvage arms, and can use other items in his boats.

the new items also are fun to use. Old items, such as bow n arrows, bombs, and boomerang return, but other items join in as well. The most major add-in is the wind waker. Its the item you need to change the wind direction, mentioned in the previous paragraph. You also need it to progress in the game, by playing songs to awaken the gaurdian spirits in two friends. You can also play different songs like the song of commanding(control over anearby object, or ally) song of passing(make night day, or day night). There is also the deku leaf, a leaf(duh :P) that allows link to fly and create gusts of winds using magic power. And there is the skull hammer, a huge hammer that delivers powerful blows and can crush stones and push down switches.

And well I geuss thats it! this concludes my top 10! See ya next blog! :D