hello friends. If you understand the blog name, then im leaving for awhile. AGAIn. Gamespot has frustrated me too much. I need time to cool off from all the crap on this site. See ya whenever.
your leaving friend, shyguy1234
hello friends. If you understand the blog name, then im leaving for awhile. AGAIn. Gamespot has frustrated me too much. I need time to cool off from all the crap on this site. See ya whenever.
your leaving friend, shyguy1234
Aw man. Yestedrady I learned the worst thing. OK so my dad, brother, sister and I went to a family reunion picnic. It had all of my dad's family in it. The picnic was a blast. But during the picnic, my dad learned something terrible. I didnt know he asked my grandpa, but on the way home, he called my mom and said he had some "bad news" After he hung up, I asked him, what bad news. He then told me the terrible thing. My grandfather has bone cancer. And apparently this cancer is uncurable. And he apparently got this from prostate cancer. So I asked him, is he gonna be okay? Well it turns out that my grandpa has to be a patient for the rest of his life. Even though its incurable, it CAN be treated. the treatment is supposed to slow the cancer down, meaning that he may have longer to live. but we dont know HOW long he has. As far as I know, he could be dead next week. :( So this bad news is worse than bad. :( Well thats it. friends. see ya next blog.
Your friend, shyguy1234
Alright I WAS gonna tell aout everything today but I thought itd take up a little to much time so days 3, 4 and 5 come tomorrrow.
DAY 2: Hot as hell in seaworld
Alrighty so we left for seaworld at about 9:00 AM eastern time. It was like 100 degrees that day so everyone wore shorts.I think I wore my sleeveless sshirt but anyway once we get there and put sunblock on, we get a map. so we look for somthing to do, and my siser wanted to see the shamu show, and we all agreed on it. First let me say ; that show was amazing. The whales were pretty funny and some of the stunts the people did were amazing, like standing on the tip of the whales nose in midair. But the only bad side was that the seats we sat in were directly in the sun. When we left, there was a fountain, and I grabbed a scoopful of water and splattered it all on my face. So we decided to go on a water ride called the journey to atlantis, but it was ALL the way o the other side of the park. SO we made a few side trips along the way. Along the way we ge on a motion stimulator called wild arctic. It was a RUSH. The room titlted, thrusted back n forth, and rumbled. When we got offf,I suffered from motion sickness :P So we get off and it was SO nice and cool. We got to see baluga whales and a HUMoungous polar bear. It had a sign that said : WARNING! someone COULD get killed! I was like........ CHARMING :lol: when we got outta that place we ended up in the gift shop and he heat AGAIN. Then we stopped at this really cool bar and grill. It as literally sumerged underwater and it was surrounded by sharks. After I was done eating, I watched the sharks swim past each other and I thought, why dont they just start killing each other :P So we finally get to the ride and it wwas a 90 minute wait. At that point the heat was really getting to me. I thought I was gonna melt :P when we got home we all just dove into the pool :lol:
Alrighty friends I hope you can wait for about 2-3 days for the next ones!
hello my friends! well, the plane back just landed, and we are home! :D Vacation was great but like they say, theres no place like home :) I will tell about my trip. but this blog Im gonna tell about day 1 : the plane ride of hell
alright so after my sister's softball game, we head over to her award ceremony and she wins an award for something (I wasnt paying attention :P) we had already had evrything packed, so all we had to do was wait for my dad's friend AJ. He was gonna drive us so we didnt have to pay for parking. So we come to the turn, and it was 95 north or 95 south. My dad 95 south and halfway through driving that place my dad realizes, he took a WRONG TURN!!!! So after panicking and turning around we get to the airport. Now our flight left at 6:30 PM eastern time, and we arrived at 5:30. SO we dashed through security and get to our gate and our flight was DELAYED. It went from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. So wesat near the gate and it was forever. When the attendant told us we could board, we didnt all board until 8:10 Pm. So we get ready to take off, and then we have to wait in LINE to get on the runway. So we were #20th in line, and we sit there for 1 hour and when we finally get to the runway, we learn that we have to go BACK to the gate because of technical difficulties. So THAT took 20 minutes, and we get back in line, and were 10th this time. So we take off at like 10:30 PM and we land in Orlando at about 1:30. We get the car my dad rented, our baggage and head off to a hotel. (we could only check in to our rented house on sunday)
Days 2,3,4,5 come tomorrow! I just wanna get back to posting! :)
weel friends Im leaving. NOT gamespot, but for vacation! :D Me n my family are going down to florida for about8-9 days. yeah Im gonna be gone for awhile. sadly I cannot bring a laptop cuz: the one that does have internet no longer does.(the connector thing broke) and im pretty sure my dad wont let me use his work one. AAnd Im positive the house were renting doesnt have a computer. So please excuse me but I obviously wont be able to post in unions. So really the only union I have to do somethin about is my own union.
We are going to take a plane to the florida state. Were gonna drive1 hours to the philadelphia airport at like 3 pm or somethin like that. We have to go through security (which I suppose will take forever, especially considering its philadelphia) were gonna eat somethin and then quickly board the plane and get one pair of seats that is six facin each other. but knowing my luck were not gonna. Im gonna bring my DSi on the plane to pass the time, and if Im lucky, the two books I requested from my library, inkspell and tom sawyer, will come by then. Its gonna be about a 3 hour flight and I think Im probably gonna get bored after awhile.
Once we land, were gonna go to a hotel( we have to stay in one cuz we can only check into the house on sunday) And on sunday were gonna probably just swim in the pool and maybe go to the beach. Id better be careful though, cuz I like to see florida as the gator state :? Throughout the week were gonna go to universal studios, seaworld, and islands of adventure. when we get back were probably gonna go to my grammas house. I might get to go on that day cuz she has a really good computer.
Well my friends, that is all. I will hopefully see you on the 19th or 20-th of june. Plus Im on level 20 :o
CELEBRATION! after a grueling 180 days my school is closed for summer! :D School didnt end today but actually last friday. I was too busy to post a blog :P Somethings have been happening since school ended. I have NO idea what im gonna do over summer besides go to florida. but Im definetly going to :
Convince my friend Tim to join!
Continue going on to gamespot! (duh :P)
Get the conduit!
Play it! :lol:
Exoand my video game collection!
Get a songbird ocarina!
Play it! :P
Get 30 minutes of exercise every day!
Annoy my sister!
Try to get champions mode in punch out!!
Get a better TV!
Buy a Macbook!
And lets have some celbration music!!
Because of You (not the one your thinking of!)
thats all friends :)
credit goes to the creator of this pic
:cry: WHY?????? WHY THE HELL DID NINTENDO HAVE THERE CONFERENCE IN THE MORNING?!?!? :cry: Im too disapointed to hear anything about it. I was gonna watch it to day but of course my F****** computer just HAD to crash on me :evil: and to top it off school made it even worse!! school is the whole f***** reason I missed it!!!!!! :evil:
Now I have to freakin wait til they post the frikkin replay. and my dumb @SS computer will not let me watch it cuz its a piece of CRAP :evil:
If you can please tell me what I missed. If you do, Ill have somethin to look forward 2 in the replay
your pi$$ed friend, shyguy1234
Wow I cant beleive Im still here. after one long year, this user celbrates his 1 yearer!!! Man its been a really great year with some awesome friends, and unions. this is gonna be a 3 part blog. One about unions, what Ive been up to and my best friends :o
This year I have gotten into some great unions. I would like to recognize one of em; the Zelda Universe union. It was the very first union I had EVER joined. I didnt really feel welcome cuz ya know I was the newbie. but after awhile I opened up an dbam!!! I was a social bird. later on i was promoted!!! YAY! Ever since then I have posted in that union every single day i was on GS. but some people may notice a slight decrease in activity becuz my own union, the nintendo factory, is pretty darn active for a beggining union. Please be sure 2 check it out :)
what Ive been up to:
Life outsidda GS has been goingUP and DOWn UP and DOWN. pros and cons. the school year is comin to a conclusion and it seems to be gettin a little worse. Teachers are REALLy cracking down on us students and weve gotten a ton of extra work. My social life has some better stuff too. jacob(the wrotten kid who always made funna me) was supended off the bus two days ago. YES!!!!!! hes comin back in about 2 weeks which will b enear the end of the school year. Ive really been scoring points in my game collection cuz this year I think Ive gotten the most games ever! Like yesterday I went to gamestop and got the sims 2 and ratchet and clank. I love both of em.
Best friends :o :
well here it is. my best friends. I cant really give a description of why they made it cuz I cant find the right words. So here they are!(if you didnt make it please dont be offended :) )
shy guy red
spade crisis
Thats about it for this blog my friends!
yeah well I got tired of waiting for my prev union to form so I resgined. I was thinkin I should expand the game universe so I thought of this . it could be a nintendo based union and it could be called like uh the nintendo factory. I could have like everything nintendo based. Please comment here if you wanna be a charter or somethinn cuz Its kinda hard to determine who I should invite. If you want to, please say so. :)
well these are the things thats happening to me lately
-I just recently got my sister to give me 8.50. The only reason she gave it to me is becuz she wanted to go outside, I didnt want to and then she bribed me. :P I asked my dad if I could go to gamestop to get another used PS2 game. he said he was too tired so hopefully itll be soon. I want to get tales of the abyss, but my dad says I have to buy it with MY money and my dad said I couldnt use the 8.50 my sis used to save up with. :roll: So I will probably get either ratchet and clank or jak X combat racing.
-My brother has been playing alot of the games I play recently and I think its kinda stupid. First of all, hes not even in KINDERGARDEN. Hes about 5yrs old. So the game he wants to play are pacman world 3, and paper mario the thousand yr door. So I was sitting down stars listening to my MP3 when all of a sudden I hear BBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally fell out of my chair and I ran upstairs. He was in the xnaut fortress in thousand yr door. He asks me can yu get me outta here??? He gave me the puppy dos eyes and Im like whatever. So after I left, I was bout to put the headphones back on when he calls my name AGAIN. this happened about evry 5 minutes. sometimes I just dont know bout that kid.
-My feild trip is on monday. WOO! A whole school day OUT of school!!! we are goin to some camp place. The only problem is is that we are going rain or shine and I think its gonna be rain cuz its been POURING out lately.
-Ive been going to vgcats.com lately and I dont know why I havent gone there earlier. the comics are HILARIOUs. I swear I was dying of laughter when I read one of em.
That is all
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