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shyguy1234 Blog

2 days until Christmas!

YAY! I am SO exited! Christmas is two days away! I pretty much already know my plans for the holidays.Note: These are when I am NOT on GS.

Christmas eve:

1.Eat ginger bread house that I made.

2.Watch Jeff Dunham christmas special


1. Read the book of Matthew in the Bible.

2. Open christmas presents.( My mom wants me to scream at least once; I do not know exactly why.)

3.Wait for my grandparents and aunt to come over and then open presents they got me.

4. Hopefully my sister will be done on the wii, so I plan to squeeze in a few new games.

5.Eat the food my mom has prepared for the Christmas dinner.

6. Fall asleep late at night.

Well, I am positive that is going to appen during those two days!

I am sick of GOTY!

I HATE this years polls. There was hardly any nintendo content. ALL I saw was xbox360 crap this, and playstation 3 crap that. AND what REALLY **ssed me off was that brawl didn't win ANYTHING in special achievements. It didn't even win best competitive multiplayer!:evil::evil::evil: I am probably going to be in a bad mood on GS for a while, at least until these stupid polls are over with and are a forgotten memory.

New avatar!

As you may have already seen, I have a new avatar! I got this from STMT. And to anyone from STMT reading this(specifically the leader), thanks for the awesome avatar!

To my friends

I am now just going to take my time to wish my friends a happy holidays.






The Yoshter

Sonic freak 199

Pikapi98(My sister just recently joined.)

The Omegahunter

Paper rules

Mario Sonic man

Spade Crisis





With that, I wish you all happy holidays!

(P.S, If I spelled your name wrong, please let me know. I am sorry.)

Video games CAN help!

A lot of teachers and dumb students in my school say that video games are bad for your mind and are not worth it. My first thought on that was " WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!" Then, a couple of days later, my younger sister, who is in eighth grade, told me what she read in a book about video games. She said "Of what I read, video games actually increase your dexterity and problem solving skills." That makes sense because of games like zelda, with all that puzzles. So that pretty much counters what teachers and students said!


HOORAY!!!!! Christmas is almost here!!!! I love the holidays. You get to spend time with your family, enjoy yourselves and what not. And the best part is, NO SCHOOL!!!! This year I am getting a whole TWO WEEKS for Christmas!:lol: On my list, I have: Wii Music, sonic unleashed, wario land SHAKE IT!!, Animal Crossing city folk,Lego Batman, and an ipod.( For some reason, it never occured to me until now that I wanted one.) That is all I can think of off the top of my head. Well, like I said, Christmas is almost here!! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!


Recently, I have found myself going back to all of my old games and classics, for some reason. I can understand for games like super mario 64 and ocarina of time, but I am also going back to games from 200-2004. I also realize how excellent they were.... such examples: Wind waker, sunshine, majora's mask, sonic heroes, billy hatcher and etc... Well if you haven't played any, get your butt in gear and see if you can get your paws on them!

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving to all of you gamespotters! I am going away until sunday,november 30th. So I will not be on unless I can get my hands on a computer. You may message me, but I wont be able to read them until I get back. Once again, have a wonderful thanksgiving!


YAY!!!!!!! Of what I just recently read in my nintendo power magazine,(I have subscribed for two years now.Be sure to subscribe to it. It is so awesome.). I read that nintendo is in creation of a brand new ZELDA GAME!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry, I am just REALLY exited that nintendo has come to their senses and decided to create a new zelda game. The game's title is still top secret.( And please, if it turns out that it is not in production, please don't blame me. I just read that in nintendo power.)

favorite game series

This blog post, it is time for shyguy1234's favorite series of video games.(Note: This is not going like"This is my fifth favorite, this is my favorite of all time", these are just my top five favorite series)

1. Sonic series

2.Kirby series

3.Mario series

4.The legend of zelda series

5.Star fox series