maybe we are his/her/it video game..
if i designed everything in the universe i wouldn't intervene either. if i made the devil to test the will of man then why would i show myself? if i made the laws of nature and the power of attraction then that's all a person needs to be successful in life....why would i show myself to the ppl when i can easily pick the best out of the litter by letting ppl be themselves. if i showed myself then i wouldn't be able to enjoy my creations progress on their own.
i know one thing... we only live for a short time, and for us human beings to be such an magnificent specimen in such a chaotic universe is a miracle of itz own. i feel life is just like going to school, when you're finish you go on to the place you prepared your whole life for. there's no one ( i met ) that can tell me what happens after death. and if jesus happens to be real then i can't see myself being disrespectful to someone who has giving his life for me. if all of these religions were false.... why believe in anything your governments do for you? they are the ones promoting it the most...in god we trust.
i believe the mind lives on and life itself is an individual dream of the collective consciousness. when the consciousness / thoughts leave the body... it goes to where it is used to being. being in stressful thoughts= hell, positive thoughts= heaven, both can be obtain on earth and possibly after life. i'll be prepared for what ever happens....can't say the same for everyone thou.X4D
Some told me that I am just a figment of my imagination but I believe this view of the world is bit extreme.
I used to be very materialistic. I used to read articles especially Wikipedia articles about physical subjects like classical mechanics, celestial mechanics, electrodynamics (John David Jackson) , quantum mechanics, optics, photonics, lasers, quantum information, nanotechnology, special relativity, quantum field theory and particle physics while ignoring the more spiritual, religious and moral interpretations of the world.
sound a little bit like myself. i luv science too and have learned a while ago being spiritual has itz advantages. i don't knock ppl for their religions because for the most part ..itz alllll for the good. the sad irony is itz probably the very thing causing this strife in life. wars, phobia, ignorant arrogance and so on.every last one of us will know if god exist or not.... after gulping that last breath.on a lite note...........if there is only one grand creator, why fight over what name we give it? we all have nic names so why not god? his / hers / itz real name is probably too long to ponounce anyway. to sum it up.... you can't learn of this god thru other ppl's perception, you have to seek it out personally not ask someone else...
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