Monster Munch are by far the best chips ever... Disagree? GTFO :P
agreed. i really like quavers (cheese and onion)and sensation (thai chilli)too. walkers/Lays suck. sour cream pringles are good, others suck. Doritos flamin hot is the only good one.
This weeks weekly challenge is insane. 30 kills... in ONE match??? Even in BTB I can't get that many. WTF Bungie, just... WTF?? :cry: :evil:
try multi team, i got 31 kills in that.pretty much impossible in other game types unless all of your team quits and its only you against the enemy team.
eat more fatty food. make sure you dont go over 140lb. im about the same height and weigh almost 165lb and i feel fat. i miss the days when i was skinny
everyone is born with original sin so if babies die they go to hell.
No, babies have the sin in their bloodline yes, but they are not developed enough to be considered sinful and therefore God takes them to Heaven if they die.
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