And obviously, you make them look like Men. Sex sells, too bad some cant make a sexy AND badass character. It either looks like a Man or all they have is skimpy clothing and no personality.
Almost like the entire "influencer" culture that has taken hold of anything that moves in the west. Filled with sexuality and naked brainlets. And those same people are both the offenders and the defenders of what this articles implies.
Its a funny thing, asking for something more than "sexualizing women" while you can watch softcore "P***" on Twitch, but you get banned if you say "camgirl".
Simple people require simple things, why make a good character, when they can only be sexy? Or any other "whatever".
"How does a white kid know he has white privilege if his parents never teach him or don’t talk about racism?"
Just pointing out the "bait" part in this article. But to answer the question, its probably media garbage like ours truly. Because i highly doubt a 10 year old CoD player "knows" about privilege of any kind.
On a side note, Yes.. parents need to do a better job. As a start, don't let them watch or learn anything from Twitch or any of its streamers. Im sure they can learn a lot from mister "imma stream for whoever pays me the most money, cuz im famous and people gonna watch".
"Is it my job to have this conversation with this kid? No, because the first thing that's going on in my head is, This kid is doing this on purpose to troll me. If someone says a racial slur on someone else's stream, it can potentially get that streamer banned. It's awful, but that's the first thing I think of."
There is some truth there, but its twitch job to investigate, instead of letting twitter mob of morons to decide the context of who or why it was said.
Talk to them kids people, impose morals, and teach them respect. But don't ever take lessons from media or "insert" celebrity.
Im living in an ex-communist country and we had more freedom of speech back then than whatever twitch is trying to push.
Lets see how many will get the ban for someone misinterpreting what someone else said. Many of the points that are part of this new "policy" is more or less any combination of a joke someone can say. It's like they are actively trying to F people up.
Sigh... being from a third world country really seems to not be such a bad thing. And all people can say against this is "uh well, you are poor".
Every single person on the whole planet knew that TLOU2 will get the award, why act surprised? Haven't you paid attention to western entertainment and politics in the last 5 years?
You know, one of the benefits of living in a 3-rd world country is the ability to watch and be amazed of the absolute absurdity that is considered a problem in the west.
@Ydarf: Assuming no-ray tracing, a GTX 1080+ ryzen 3600 should handle it. If we judge by the recommended reqs, if it has DLSS, a 2060 super might put a good FPS even with ray-tracing.
i'd say im pretty surprised with the recommended reqs. Wonder if they are legit ofc.
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