That would be awesome, but I still got to play the first 3 dmc games, I own them, just haven't gotten around to playing them. So I hope they won't spoil the story with that video while it installs.
It's fun, but guitar is too easy compared to GHIII, but I love the drumming, I played "And Justice for All" on hard, only 3 stars, but it's a start right.
To be honest, not that often. I don't enjoy handhelds that often, because small screens, and controls,and I got big hands, and the DS stylus is awkward to hold because of large hands. I really do like PHantom Hourglass though, wish I could get back into the mood and play it.
Definitly not in the top 5, maybe not even in the top 10, I own a GC, but out of all the consoles it isn't the greatest. PS2, takes the cake, and the PS1, but not all hope is lost, I'd say the NES, and SNES deserve to be there,I was so happy to find my NES, it's sitting proudly now beside my ps3,ps2,ps1, and wii.
I hope it comes to VC, I don't want it to go to Xbox, it just doesn't feel right, are they updating it a ton? Cause online is nice, but the great thing about goldeneye was bringing your friends over to play it. I'd rather have that, now that I finally have a tv big enough for 4 player split screen, and can actually afford 4 controllers.
Looks great, only thing is the GC version is mirrored, so if you ever need a stradegy guide, you'll have to remember left is right and right is left. I know it's confusing.
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