I got the 8800GTS, or almost 200 bucks less, and it runs pretty well, crysis is on high, except shadows and postprocessing. I get a stable framerate though, usually 30fps, 25fps, sometimes, but hey. I need a new processor next year, thats the oldest part in my computer right now.
I was planning on getting a new ps3 hard drive when dmc4 comes out, cause with ninja gaiden, heavenly sword, assassins creed, rock band and guitar hero downloads, its gonna get full fast. So I was wondering can the stuff I bought go on the new hard drive or do I have to pay again for the stuff I download again?
Put your music, or music shortcuts, into The Sims 2 folder, in the music folder, and inside that put the music on what station you want it to play on, like rock, metal, country etc.
I'm not gonna lie, I like it. I do think it is wrong to get moderated for that, but then again, this is just a message board, I'm sure they don't care too much about your rights.
I love the ps3, but don't diss the Wii, Super Mario Galaxy is fun as hell. Great mulitplayer games for the Wii too, only mulitplayer game I got for my ps3 is Rock Band, it's awesome, but the Wii got all my friends hooked on multiplayer.
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