Well in response to Devil May Cry going multiplatform, Capcom said it was so the most people can enjoy the game, now if they follow through to their words, this should happen with all there games. The sequel should then be on the ps3.
Hard to say, I really liked the Wind Waker, and Twilight, and Link to the Past, and Orcarina of Time, and Majora's Mask etc. I can't really say lol as you can see, it depends on how difficult the game was to a player etc to be there favourite. I'd have to pick Orcarina because I still play it, and the puzzles are fun, not to easy or difficult, a large exploration area.
I pick both, and there both standing side by side. Even the games on the shelf are side by side. Same with controllers now that I take a look at it. I think there friends lol.
How about instead of Bashing Gears of War, and be like me. Own a PS3, enjoy Uncharted, and enjoy Gears of War on pc when it comes out. You get to enjoy a good game without owning an xbox.
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