Wow, you serious? I never knew it was 700 all this time in Canada, my Wal-Mart has been selling mine for 659.99 since launch I didn't get it at launch, but I stared at the empty space where it should be since launch, and now I have one. But anyways, that shouldn't be a sale, future shop, and other electronic stores seem to rip you off.
The Playstation will take a major major hit, so many people I know are holding out until that game comes out. It's gonna suck for sony if they don't get it exclusive.
It's a good game, too bad you got ripped off on the ps2 version, I paid 50 bucks for the premium editon, for the ps2, and now paid 35 for the wii editon. PS, I'm from Canada.
I was wondering if I buy movies for Blue Ray will I see a difference on my tv, which is SD with component input for my ps3. I'm not getting HD for a long long while, I was wondering if Blue Ray is worth the investment.
How come the demand of a higher and higher price drop keeps coming. First 50, then 100, now 200. I'm guessing don't get one until the ps4 has been announced. Cause your asking a lot in a short amount of time. The ps3 could use 50 bucks off, but 200 is a lot. I have one so I'm happy with it. I got mine early, you gotta pay to get it now, you gotta wait to get it cheaper.
It's a year from Sony, but I never had problems with the ps1, ps2, and ps3, so I don't know if you need it. My guess is you just give out the serial number on the ps3, but ask the seller if they can give you the bill for it.
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