I hopefully will try to give the Nintendo Wii, and the Playstation 3 a fighting chance against the Red traffic light otherwised known as the Xbox 360.
The Xbox 360 has been out for a year, so it's already on it's second generation of games coming out for it.
The Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii have recently came out, so there still on their first generation of games.
When you compare graphics from the 360 to the PS3, try to compare first generation games from the PS3 to first gen games of the 360. So in simple terms compare launch title graphics of the 360, to PS3 launch titles. The Wii should not be compared, because it isn't about graphics power, it's to be more fun.
There are and WILL be good games for all systems, compare launch titles from the 360 to launch titles for the Wii and PS3.
I don't know the 360's launch title too well, so feel to correct if desired, alsoI want to point out exclusives, as it's the main arguement for which console will be better in the end.(games are launch, and a short while after)
360: Kameo, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Zero, Condemned, Dead or Alive 4, Saints Row
PS3:Motorstorm, Resistance, Genji, Virtua Fighter 5, Gran Trismo, Warhawk, Formula One
Wii:Zelda Twilight, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Warioware, Red Steel, Trama Center
I'd say it's pretty even, exclusive launch title's for all of them. Now for future titles
The PS3 is getting Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII
The Wii is getting Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3
The 360 is getting Halo 3, and Gears of War 2
All systems look like they have a pretty even battle, it's all going to depend on what games you prefer, and also depends on how many other people prefer the average type of exclusives coming out. If you like a little bit of everything get a PS3, if you like a lot of First Person Shooters, get a 360, and if you like Nintendo in general get a Wii (cause all there exclusives are going to stay exclusive for a long time)
The main point I'm trying to get is stand up for your system, if your wondering why I was trying to give a even battle to all is because I don't want a million posts on this thread bashing the other system. I want you to stand up for your system of choice, but still respect every else's choices. The 360 seems to be thought doing so well because America doesn't realize that there's other people on the planet, the PS3 is doing well on other parts of the world, like Japan and Europe. The Wii is doing great everywhere cause Nintendo has been around long enough for people to realize that Nintendo isn't here to try and be the dominant system. They want to make sales, and arn't worrying too much about the company beside them that's also in to gaming.
So in the end you make your choice, and please if you will continue saying the 360 is better then all compare the PS3 and Wii's timeline, with the 360's timeline. (compare the ps3's 5 month life cycle to the 360's 5 month life cycle). If your rich get all 3, and avoid all fighting. If your poor wait it out.
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