I took the next gen plunge by getting a ps3 and a wii, right now i love it cause i got a wii first, then a ps3 a day after. I'm not bored of the games yet because i didn't have time to outplay them right now. Don't buy a 360 if a)you have a gaming computer, or b)no games coming out soon interest you. I'm option A. About the hardware realibilty my ps3 is great, never failed, my wii on the other hand, it freezed when i was playing super paper mario. So i'm worried and pissed.
About the 360, I got the honours of playing it from launch, cause my best friend at the time got one the second the store opened, i was ticked right away we got a red ring i can't remember if it was 3 or 4, but we waited a hour and it worked again. there isn't any exclusives for it in the long run. Halo 3 will probably go on computer, gears of war is going on and lost planet is.
Get ps3 if you want great games in the long run
Get a wii if you want fun games which are great when friends come over
Get a 360 if you don't have a gaming computer, or can't wait till they come to computer
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