@luludooobee111 @sirchick Did you play the new mario game its vague because there are so many....value means not specific enough!! So clearly you don't know the meaning.
There are enough mario games i could write them all down on a piece of A4 paper and run out of room. WHICH ONE!
Number one is true if you make a video with ad revenue nintendo are not happy with it and still take action. If you have no ad revenue on the video then they are fine with it. But game reviewers need to make a wage some how so they don't review them. I don't know any big game reviewer on Youtube who does it other than companies like GS and IGN etc.
Nintendo are so god damn arrogant they don't allow you to stream their games on youtube / twitch.. they close it down for copyright reasons.
Also their mario games are the same thing over and over again.
So thats one way to piss everyone off and also have no coverage of the console in any you tube video. So no one with large number of followers will recommend it as they have nothing to show.
Nintendo need to get with the times and realise this is 2013, and to be honest even the PS4/XboxOne is not 2013 tech featured either.
I recall xbox doesn't connect to windows media center (da ****?) forces you to use internet explorer (which if your a web developer will know IE is the worst at rendering HTML properly because it doesn't follow the standards correctly!) and it forces you to use bing !!!
And ps4 doesn't currently do a mp3 player... my phone has more features for god sake than all these consoles combined.
Why do people pay for limitations its bizarre.
Heck is going on with these 3 companies, no innovation at all. The only thing they have improved at is marketing both xbox and playstation realise the importance of youtube gamers now so they are awake in some areas...
As far a technology is concerned, they are miles off. Why the consoles don't have the same level of freedom as a PC is beyond understanding.
@varunviii @sirchick i was referring to the fact that zoo tycoon as well as many tycoons of the past used to be more detailed and much more complicated on PC micromanagement etc.
They removed all those elements that make it a tycoon game, you used to be able to build the animal enclosures with complete freedom this game shows pre-defined enclosures. Even though you can build tress freely outside of the enclosures. It' completely dumbed down. And zoo tycoon is not AAA title by any stretch of the imagination.
You can tell all budget went on graphics, next to no budget went on game play. For example you unlock things by getting a high ranking zoo. In the older days you had to spend money on research thus turning a profit was VITAL in order to grow...if this game is meant for educational on business side of things its a complete fail.
The game works best with a mouse so they should of kept to the PC platform and released on steam. It would still make money.
The whole "exclusive" nonsense basically ruined this particular franchise by forcing the game onto a platform where it doesn't work too well.
sirchick's comments