@thesilverape @sirchick whilst you could not solve 100% of it, you can claim many customers back by simply producing good games at a good price how ever. A good 60 to 70% would go back to buying games if it was fair price with refund policies and the games were as good as advertised....lets be honest most games fall far short .
The UK legally allows refunds even if you put many hours into a game, as a way to protect consumers and encourage people to buy rather than pirate, too early to say for sure if it will work though.
A lot of WoT players often say " You need over 1000 games to really understand how good this game is"... if it takes 1000 games to actually get interested in this game, then this game failed hard at being fun.
My issues with it: The research is unexplained, you have to mess around to figure it out. Once you're dead, you have to go play a new round with a different tank. I want to respawn... you die so quick, games last barely 5 minute, this leads me to play very cautiously.
I don't want to be cautious, i want to shoot shit up with my deadly tank damn it.
You spent more time in the UI than in the actual game.
I then tried war thunder and they have a far better system, granted it uses planes but you can respawn with another plane in the same match like most games do. And generally its just more fun and you don't die so damn quick.
I can live with the graphics being worse than originally intended, but was the budget of the weapon sounds less than $100 ? They sound like paintball guns.
@flyingdutchdog3 @sirchick you say get real so use real facts and nothing else or that kinda defeats the point of even saying it.
You call him out on his (and i agree BS) opinion about it killing the Xbox, by then replying your own opinion about sony's exclusives.
You said his statement was most ridiculous, you can't say "90% of exclusives" is not ridiculous, because it is, 90% means nothing to any one other than you, has no meaningful information...if his opinion is ridiculous then so must yours when you used one to respond to his.
I equally didn't agree with his statement that it killed the Xbox the same way you didn't agree. It was a stupid statement and certainly no evidence to back it up.
Arguing on opinions and who's opinion is most ridiculous or is most BS is not going to go any where constructively. It will go in circles.
Basically don't call out someone's opinion and say its BS and call it ridiculous by then also replying with your own opinion as if your opinion is some how more important than some one else's.
Also forget my comprehension not all of us have english as first language.
@The-Longshot @joshphillips 3D teles without glasses are possible they can already do it, but they are in no hurry to sell them because 3D tele never kicked off in the first place.
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