@GOGOHeadray @sirchick i genuinely don't know what it means.
Best selling means most sold so what does fastest really mean? ITs a more recent term used for marketing purposes they plaster it on posters and the game case but i've not know what it means.
And they obviously use it to imply "hey its fastest selling - it must be good so you should buy it"
Best selling i kinda understand because word of mouth and recommendations gets more people buying but fastest selling i really don't fully know what it actually implies.
@GOGOHeadray Well fastest is not same as most.. i mean fastest could be they sold only one and it was ordered so fast it was at same time as annoucement. I've never really known what they mean by fastest.
@GOGOHeadray @sirchick @lonesamurai1 people buy games without trying it first, it holds no meaning on how good the game is just because it sold well.
SimCity 2013 sold so well that EA couldn't keep up with the servers and that was an absolute dire of a game. Battlefield 4 sold well but that was bug ridden and EA got sued for it.
Sales do not correlate to how good a game is - only how profitable it is.
Unless of course you think Call Of Duty (every copy and paste version of it since Modern Warfare 1) is the best game in history because it sells more than any other game ever has to this day.
I'm pretty sure almost no one would say its the best game in history.
So again fast selling is meaningless. Also given its all digital ordering what does "fastest" even mean?
It doesn't feel real because they put as little effort in that was cost effectively possible.
Compare to GTA 5 where they put as much in as possible including hours and hours of radio audio which all costs mega $$$. And it pays off, you can FEEL the effort put into GTA.
In Watch Dogs you can FEEL the laziness and corners cut.
It would not surprise me, if the budget to advertise the game was higher than the actual development cost. Because they marketed the game very real to the point we all feel deceived.
sirchick's comments