@sellingthings: Thats because those other sites steal or resell the keys on - most developers disapprove of it since they get $0 of the money. The pricing is set by the developers of each game individually, Steam just gets a % cut of sales.
@taylor12702003: Sorry couldn't understand you whilst speaking in your shallow waters - maybe one day you will not be so petty with visuals and you will be easy to understand more. Unlikely.
@taylor12702003: actually i was doing pretty much what you were doing, judging by what i see and nothing else seems you can't take it when its aimed at you though.
You gave the world your opinion i gave you mine - now you resort to trying to insult strangers on the internet lol kinda sad. Still think you're shallow all the same. If you don't care, then why you trying to insult me even though your attempts to do so just made me chuckle. "Mom's basement" how original!
@deviltaz35: I understand/agree with you there except in some situations, people in China can't even buy these games - and thats where all the cracking is coming from. I'm all for Chinese and others held back trying to fight it so they can be part of the gaming community.
I also think it's just as wrong to super charge Australia or other countries for digitally distributed goods of which doesn't cost extra at all. Digital services should be the same every where relative to the currency value of said country.
It costs no more to provide downloads for Australia than any where else. Europe also pays more than USA too on average. USA pay the least for almost all games and even hardware even though all hardware ships out of Asia - never makes any sense to me. Yet if you use a Mexican proxy you can buy games from EA for super cheap since they don't translate the currency so for example i got Battlefield 1 for $19 on release from my "holiday" in mexico. If they can charge $19 they must still make a profit, yet even now the game is 59.99 where i live!
@deviltaz35: this wasn't a debate about if it was worth the price. I was taking issue with the shallow way people judge games just from looking at the visuals and concluding it'll be bad. It's silly and childish.
I totally understand the price issue - thats why piracy exists in the first place. Most products adjust price per economy, except the game industry for some retarded reason.
@taylor12702003: then don't play a game that is practically getting 10s all over the internet from both reviewers and user meta scores - you're loss if you want to be shallow. No one will care.
sirchick's comments