@JayQproductions thats because the PS3 development tools where not easy to use like Microsoft which has had them since windows PC How ever PS3 sold more than Xbox so the funding available to Sony is huge now compared to MS so their development kits are massively better. The japs are clever with technology after all (maybe not nuclear power plant technology how ever)
@Swan_Ronson8475 @sirchick @Slade968 easy for me. COD. lol similiar modern day shooter but BF was just alot more abitious in attempting such a big scale war game. I like developers that aim high - COD is very "play it safe". I do like COD though but it aint ground breaking.
@DanteZiza @sirchick so what has that got to do with xbox which is a late addition to the gaming world when Playstation was around alot longer.. surely dedicated gamers would have also followed the PS line not the corporate microsoft late comers. Your arguement has no real relation to why xbox is for real gamers....
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