@Danyal Mahmood the PC community still keep GTA 4 going. As far as GTA 4 is concerned for consoles it was dead long ago once its completed people buy new games.
@Arachnofunk a stragety is to be less powerful ? Not seeing your logic there. Thats just plain bad business plus to add insult to injury that its more expensive...
@Heshertonfist @sirchick it was, i was saying when comparing this and that... comparing speeds for consoles is quite useful thing to know for buying the best console.
@Heshertonfist speed is important if want any sort of decent physics and features and large open worlds. far more important than how graphically nice a game will look on either console. Which is a different subject.
I bought BF4..as much as I hate giving money to EA....although they are wising up slowly with customer support (slowly being the key word)....DICE are really just going full throttle with pushing the game and are far more creative imo. DICE deserve the money for that.
I hate companies that play it safe....dogs was their selling point.... da ****...the Sims has dogs...
Game streaming from clouds is the same as TV companies streaming a TV show to your television, its the same thing only it would be "interactive" uniquely per person that would be the only difference between the two. The latter being majorly more demanding and so not cost effective but it will happen.
The xbox & playstation does not game stream it only does internal processing. For cloud streamed games we are talking a decade away.. consoles will be long gone by then replaced by cloud services.
@dmastor speed allows better physics realism. more things occuring at any instance such more NPC's or "stuff" happening. It also allows more complex features that would not be possible before as it would lag the game too much. It also allows huge open worlds (like GTA 5) otherwise it would be horribly slow. Non of what i mentioned involves graphics.
For example imagine a FPS online which 500 players in a battle..not possible unless your hardware is fast enough (currently 64 is the best it can do at 60 FPS) but that also has other limitations like internet speed. But thats also getting faster.
One game MAG tried 256 players, though they were a bit sly in that battles were "seperated" apart so you never technically had a 256 battle per se.
sirchick's comments