@Xristophoros @sirchick if that was true then why does Battlfieldfield and COD manage so many sales...they too get pirated but COD once hit massive record sales... of course now they are a bit stale but in the past they were top.
@rIVAL_sWORD84 @sirchick im pretty sure the analyst does not include the jail broken PS3s in his calculation though due to that fact. He/she would be a pretty useless analyst if they did not factor in piracy.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ as a PC gamer myself... i have played GTA on console. Feels better on controller. And altho it has alot of jaggies due to no anti alias graphical setting like PC does.
For the hardware of the ps3/xbox360 its damn better than the PC version of GTA 4 (not including the mods). They get respect for that alone....they did a good job.
@rIVAL_sWORD84 i think it will easily hit 1 billion. Whilst the game is pirated the game offers alot more online and pirated versions won't get that.. they will still buy it for online or they pretty much miss out on 90% of the game.
$1 billion in sales and yet they say piracy hurts the industry....what actually hurts the industry is making a shit game...you make a great game like GTA and people will spend.
Non the less i bought the game got to support any developer that pushes games to the maximum rather than play it safe *cough* COD *cough*
sirchick's comments