I still don't agree that real world political issues should be brought into fantasy media entertainment. If any thing these games are there to CHALLENGE the taboo, not step on egg shells to avoid upsetting some one.
That will stifle all kinds of creativity be it "offensive to some one" creativity or not. It comes with a warning on the package and you should know what the game is about when you are buying it! If you don't know what this game is about you must live in a cave or something.
Why didn't gamespot mention the fact the racist N word was used alot ? That's always a political hot topic... if your going to bring up a negative, don't let it be just your own personal issue you have to mention them all... otherwise its just personal and not professional.
The fact no other offensive aspect of the game was mentioned, such as drugs, male nudity, crime, murder, weapons, theft, racist words suggested it was just mentioned for the sake of it, and that seems hypocritical and completely dumb.
So yeah if we bring real life issues towards make believe worlds in a game we're going backwards not forwards.
I would give it a 9 solely because flying helicopters is a damn pain in the arse and is not easy to use!
That said: the attacks on the reviewer are not needed, constructive criticism of the review not the person is the best approach.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @sirchick i do notice on some buildings where the game doesn't really focus on much story the textures are sub par up close. but i dont feel it ruins the game for me. although i cannot wait for PC version with mods :D
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @sirchick do you mod your PS3 much if so if you know much about over clocking you could do that to fix the popping.... im told popping will happen mostly when you come across a texture you have never loaded before whilst travelling fast, the console can't keep up.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ i should also mention i get no texture popping on my PS3. I'm told the PSN version of GTA is stripped back how ever to lower download size..that might be one reason. PSN version is a few gigs smaller in file size, most likely image compression which is what is used for textures.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ @sirchick no i knew full well what it would look like on a PS3 and xbox 360. I know their hardware limits. Graphics are never the reason to play GTA thats just a shallow view to have playing games. Some of the best games are graphically shit. GTa has never been known for graphics... go for Crysis if you want eye candy to the extreme but expect very small world exploration.
@G4m3r0uTL4wZ the trailers have been done via the PC or via next gen consoles. You can tell solely from the anti alias graphics which do not exist on the old gen. You cannoy deny it is the best GTA graphically than any previous. Plus based on the size of the world what do you expect you can't have both unless you want a $2000 PC and we have no idea if it will be ported to PC.
@Arachnofunk @sirchick stragety for microsoft ? I'm still not following your logic here... people review the consoles claim PS4 is faster so it seems Sony's stragety to make a cheap powerful box did better than microsoft's attempts.
@wayanbros @sirchick i disagree, an example of small devs that did awesomely well is vast. One i particularly enjoyed was faster than light & game dev story.
IF you make a good game people will buy it sure a small % won't but that small % had no intention of buying it in the first place if they went out of their way to pirate it, if they had no intention of buying it you wouldn't the money anyway... obviously thats not a justification for them to play it. But the argument on lost sales is debatable.
@MAD_AI @sirchick @rIVAL_sWORD84 the risk will be small after ps4 launch me thinks they will be not bothered as the sales of PS3 will be dropping very fast.
sirchick's comments