Of course its not more important than consumers but its microsoft we are talking about here.... they should change their mind but then its no different to a PS4 other than more expensive...
@degaboss @Imperiacommando if they change it they will be mocked for ever lets be honest... but it would be funny to see them go back on their claims that would show some serious weakness against Sony.
I doubt microsoft can handle such damage to their ego if they did that, they will just try to sweeten the deal some other way to make people forget about the bad stuffs.
@Ayebang did you watch the sony conference they mentioned media for about 3 minutes thats was it. Xbox did an entire reveal based on it....clearly you're a Xbone fan boy... I'm not in support of either console personally but the price and the "Come at us bro" towards microsoft's used games/not needing online just makes it a win !
Although im a PC gamer at heart and will stay that way for online games as I don't have to pay per month on the internet that i already pay per month for ! xD
@pszone @wilson336 still not making any sense. How would someone who buys a pre-owned game already know if the storyline is worth the money ? Unless they base it on other people's opinions in which case they are stupid.
The real reason people by pre-owned games is it saves money and the economic is bad at the moment, alot of people are not rolling in extra cash to spend on luxuries. Plus games are expensive.
@abdoalwaer because a 680 overclocked beats yours ... so...the argument never ends. Equally the next load of cards will be better than yours so not sure what your point is. If you got a 6xx series your sorted.... for those who have not yet bought one, might aswell go to 7xx series now.
@syler4815162342 It never said they killed him for that, it sounds more likely a car collision during the chase which happened to kill him in the process, sadly.
@sammoth He stopped working on SimCity since SC4, nearly a decade ago. He had zero input on the new SimCity since then as he went to work on Spore and i think he also was involved in Sims 3? (don't quote me on that one though).
Please research these things before commenting. Will Wright would not make such stupid decisions... PLUS he even agreed EA's server situation was a disaster. He has made good games with good decisions, the only bad decision was to leave his franchises to the mercy of EA and Maxis (he went to make his own company you see).
@maddogmark25 then they should refuse to do the game cos it just gives them a terrible portfolio.... would you hire some one who worked on this .... :P
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