They ruin BF series by rushing the release of the game cutting out vital features that made the BF2 game one of their best games, solely because EA didn't put time restraints on DICE to develop it.
I will always hate EA for that until they finally bring out a true BF2 equivalent.
If more men apply for the job then more men are statistically going to get employed why do they keep thinking this is a "problem" that needs fixing...girls are just interested in working in other fields evidently.
Theres many more female nurses than men i don't think thats because its sexist against men, just more likely men prefer to do other careers.
I'm fully aware the sexist remarks girls get with online chat/voice from players but thats a different subject to the industry developing games - that deffinately needs fixing, aka changing people's perception of girls with computer games, give the generations time it'll be considered normal that girls play games like guys eventually.
Maybe girls think applying to work for a game developer is for nerdy geeky guys in glasses. Rather than "its sexist against women". I would consider that more likely.
@ken_wakashimazu to some degree, cultural aspects will result in different outcomes...i would argue rap music promotes violence more than games ever will. Specially in USA - rap music here is more about scoring with women given our culture doesn't really have guns. And most of the violent people are chavs who everyone hates :P
@endorbr True but thankfully there are things in place to stop them here :P They tried to do something here in UK about monitoring the internet i think, but high court in Germany said it violates some privacy right or something, but they will try again im sure lol
@endorbr I know thats why i said it don't happen in Europe, but US should really only allow such things where there is evidence of violent games causing people to be violent.
Again they got rid of the games from their rest stop thats cutting not banning... stop interpreting something i didn't say you look stupid doing so.
What i merely said was it could not happen in Europe because who ever owned the games that was cut they could have a claim for damages due to cut in sales on an "opinion". Because there is no scientific evidence violent games harm any one.
And i never used the word "banned" once in my comment. Who said any thing about banning.. please learn to read. If you don't like factuals about how Europe does legislation like this thats your problem.
sirchick's comments