@adriangrey11: Why would a computer have a soul ? Get over the pretentious poetic bullshit. It's a fucking computer that plays computer games you nonce. What a total load of tripe you just wrote to explain why you don't like the PS4.
@elessarGObonzo: I listed the games with NO SINGLE PLAYER at all period. What are you on about ? They were never catered around their single player side because they never had one. When the heck do you remember BF 2 or 1942 having a single player then multiplayer "added to it" ? I think you're confusing that with COD and MOH franchise.
@elessarGObonzo: there weren't any single player in 1942, BF2, 2142, Bad Company 1 & 2 or did 2 have one ? I don't remember if BC 2 had one. So there is 4 or 5 .. not sure about Vietnam - maybe that didn't have one either.
Also in BF 3 and 4 only 15% of the PC player base actually played the single player.
@elessarGObonzo: why would you buy the battlefield series for single player when that part of the game is a complete after thought ? It never even used to have a single player and many people wish it didn't to this day.
@grimzodz: i have access to the PTU. :) But as the article and has been stated many times. The FPS in PTU is not what it will be fully like as they still working on it.
As soon as a female game character gets the lime light instantly its about fashion vanity and clothes. Nothing to do with the her being a bad ass fighter like a male character.
@FCT-Steve-O: last year prison architect made roughly 400k in sales (more like 360k something). This year it was over a million. Now perhaps the quote is wrong, but prison architect did sell over 1 million in 2015 alone, that much i do know from the dev confirming it a while back, it was either mentioned on youtube or in a forum/reddit.
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