It is sold out everywhere and is now only to be found in the black market
There was never hype for Kinect, only threads about how bad will be and that it would not work, that is, until it released and people have a blast with it
Now fanboys stopped making these threads, that is why you dont see much about it
sorry but kinect is not sold out everywhere....if it is i would like a link proving this.... a recent link......im not taking about amazon .com or best buy because online retailers are known to be sold out..even the move is sold out on amazon..Move is in stock and was never sold out, see below link
Amazon is a great indication, they are ut of standalone Kinect and all bundles almost sunce launch, meaning the demand is through the roof and then some
your link sent me to the bestsellers...move is sold out..its been sold out for weeks..trust me i've been tracking it..also amazon is not an indicator of anything...the ps3 was know to stay in the top 100 maybe top 50 and below yet npd shows the 360 sold more... http://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-Move-Controller-3/dp/B002I0J51U/ref=pd_sim_vg_3
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