Haha, definantlly Two Worlds. I thought it was going to succeed Oblivion...boy was I wong...
sirkoady's forum posts
Hey guys, Im really bored at the moment and was wondering if a game similar to the following description has been made.
A game with a TRULY diverse world. As in, very very random things can happen. One of my favorite games is Oblivion, but after a while, you kindouve know what to expect. Like you know that your going to meet an undead type enemy in a certain cave, there is always a bandit at the end of this brigde, ect... I want a game that, for instance, you go into a cave, and you see that it has been taken over by bandits, then the next time you go in there, everything is destroyed and you find some zombies munching on some bandit corpses. I want it to make me feel like everytime I travel from place to place, I have NO CLUE what to expect. Like a huge battle could be ensueing in the area I wonder in, you know, stuff like that. A completelly random and diverse world-space that could provide countless scenarios. If you guys can think of a game like this, please suggest it to me! Thanks for your time.
-Just in case you were wondering, (like I said I'm really bored right now) I accually started thinking of this while watching some dinosaur show on discovery. It showed a flying creature looking for food, when suddenlly it notices a group of its own species trying to take down a T-Rex. So it decided to join in and share the prize. I was thinking, "wow that would be a cool game, wondering around as a dinosaur, trying to survive, and random things like that just happen, and you have to adapt, blah blah blah." Then I thought, "Wow, I cant think of any open-world games that ever catch me off gaurd anymore." So again, thanks for reading guys.
sins of a solar empire is a space rts game, and its quite brilliant, but idk, i just never got into it. thanks for the suggestion though.
Hello guys, well once in a while I do want to play fast paced RTS games, and when I do I play Dawn of War 2. Simply amazing game. Anyway, most of the time though, im into more slow paced rts games. Medevil 2 total war was an exellent example of slow paced battles. I was wondering if you guys know of any really good slow paced games to where I can order my troops, than watch the fighting happen, then ever so often give a few more orders and continue watching? I really like watching the massive battles play out, and I cant do that if I need to build a farm here, recruit some men over here, research a power here, ect...... So the key to finding a good slow paced rts is probally to drop base building completelly. The game can be REALLY slow pace even, to where the battles last hours, as long as it is REAL-TIME.Anyway thanks for your time.
sorry didnt realize I had caps on, haha. oh and is zombie panic like a free roam type game, or are their linear missions?
none? Id thought their would be many.........
is darkfall free? if so can you please post a link where i can sign up? one last thing, does it have ragdoll physics?
hello, just got done beating both "last stand" games. exellent I must say. but now I need your help. do you guys know of any zombie games where you build up barracades and gather survivers? thanks.
-oh and theres a game called "dead frontier" coming out soon, its in beta mode right now. its a zombie mmo! anyway im really bored!
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