@louixiii: Your talking like its a crime to be in business. Just an FYI Xbox Live and Xbox Live Arcade were out long before Steam... Oculus was announced before PSVR and Sony is jumping into that space. Xbox originally was the company that first put a HD in a console with HD graphics and look who all copied. Xbox Live was created back in like 2004 and everyone copied. So what is the problem? Then YOU DONT get to play Quantum Break because you and your big fuckin ego... MS made Quantum Break and exclusive. Its a MICROSOFT exclusive, Xbox One console exclusive. You want to play it, then you either play it on Xbox One or MS store.. Smart move on MS and this is why Xbox gamers arent mad about this at all... Nobody gave up shit... We will be enjoying a great game and you can suck it...
@silentrambo: I absolutely agree with you. I've been gaming since NES and Sega Master system. Been through every gen and owned every console. Halo and Project Gothem turned me onto the OG xbox and yes i HAD a ps2 already. But once Halo and Xbox live came out, I became MUCH more an Xbox fan and to this day, I believe it has tghe best exclusives. Sorry for getting off track, but as an owner of all console AND a very powerful gaming rig, I love my Xb1 the most and I could care-less about sales #'s, especially when I know Xbox One is doing great everywhere but Asia and frankly Asia is where PS4 gets most of the extra sales. So the 12 mil more sold could all be from Asian territories where we know Xbox doesnt sell well.but anyway, I could care less about all this. Its only Sony(only) fans that give a shit. Look at most of the comments, This is an xbox article but its really just a buinch of Sony fanboys talking to themselves...
@atopp399: thats what you got out of this article??? Damn why arent we electing you for president?? Get out of here with that crap. You play pc and ill bet you run windows
i own a ps4, along with a very powerful gaming pc and xbox one. I dont care how many consoles ps4 has sold it is the weakest console when iit comes to games. People can say whatever they want about Xbox one but whether its forza, halo, rise of the tomb raider, gears, Ryse Dead Rising 3 , Ori yada yada yada the consoles got games. Most of the mentioned games are high scoring. Pc just has a ton of games. PS4 has been extremely disappointing. The extra pixels does nothing as i have a pc that plays games in 4k if i want graphics. None of the ps4AAA exclusives are even worth it. Its mind boggling that ps4 has so many sales. Look im a sony fan, im no fanboy but lets call a spade a spade. Sony ONLY fans are under some spell and cant see this and are probably the most closed minded gamers in the industry.
Suite yourselves, stick with ps4 and continue to get delays after delays. Why not get an Xbox one if your not a pc guy?? Put your pride down, nobody cares....
@louixiii: doom definitely, but quantum break and ds3 also. This probably wont hurt the sales of the game but will probably entice some gamers to get xbox one for QB.
@freeformrulz: LOL what the hell kind of story do you think it will have??? Lol.. Its Uncharted man... They are gonna go look for some treasure, become the terminator x5 and kill 2000 enemies run into someone deceitful will be in their way... Its Uncharted, nothing special man. Game is good but way overrated..
@livedreamplay: I just dont think you guys realize here in the US, LOTS of gamers own BOTH PS4 and Xb1. At least most my gamer friends and thats double the dollars having QB and U4 both in the same month as D3. QB is going to be a powerhouse. Maybe some people are more interested in a new IP than the same game with the same type of story just with better graphics... I have U4 reserved but I could care less if it didnt come out till xmas.. I have Xb1 and a gaming PC along with my ps4. Between Xb1 and PC, I honestly never touch my PS4. I let my 5yr old neighbors play Rocket league on it..
PS4 makes its sales ground in other countries like Japan and Europe.. Sure it may outsell Xb1 here in US each month but I guarantee that its not by a large number.. Not like it was last gen when 360 clobbered PS3 in the US every month for 6yrs straight..
@livedreamplay: Umm yeah bro because many people own both consoles and we arent talking suckerpunch here, we are talking Remedy. The guys who've long held the title for best 3rd person shooters since OG Xbox and PS2.... REMEDY trumps ND IMO... Plus we already have Rise of the Tomb Raider, no need for U4..
skiggy34's comments