@shingui5 @Stepn2myworld Yeah maybe he is a gamer. Who decides the definition of a gamer? Hopefully you arent some fanboy because a fanboy is the lowest form of a gamer. Technically anyone as close minded as a fanboy ISNT a gamer. I believe Phil IS a gamer...
@niknokseyer LOL yeah right. I have every console except a Wii U. If it wasn't $300 I would probably pick one up but I've been a gamer since NES, I've owned EVERY Nintendo console since and frankly I'm tired of the same game rehashed over and over and over. I mean how many Zeldas are there now? 15? Mario's? 20? Nintendo, 1st party's are legendary but I'm done with those games. When the Wii U goes under $200 I'll grab one for my daughter..
Of course its going to consume the least power, its internal guts are NOTHING compared to Xb1 and Ps4.
Damn this game is getting dumped on everywhere. Gameinformer gave this game an 8?!? I dont really go by gameinformer. They gave Killzone SF an 8 and they are the reason I took my chances on it and that game was horrible! Anyway, I was looking forward to this, bummer...
I think this gets thrown around too much. Fanboys try to call themselves hardcore gamers which is a complete joke. Fanboys spend more time on website forums than actually playing games. Fanboys are insecure about their purchase so they have to criticize what others get. Fanboys try to persuade others to like only what their console of choice offers and dislike games on other consoles that they have never played or never even seen. Fanboys are NOT hardcore gamers.
Hardcore gamers are the ones who play every game they own to the extreme, a gamer that is open to all genre's and likes of games, will play an 8-bit indie game in the 8th genre of consoles, actually comment on game forums for community and information. Thats my idea of a hardcore gamer. not some poser fanboy thats close minded towards another console...
I dont think MS will sell the X1 without the kinect. Honestly its not that far behind Sony, especially this early in the new gen. I think if MS can pull out some strong exclusives, the X1 can close the gap. There are obviously still millions of gamers who have yet to jump next gen on both the Sony and MS camps and good exclusive software may entice their decisions...
They will definitely hit 15 million copies sold. Hell, Halo 2,3 and 4 hit over 12-14 million on 1 console. So Destiny releasing on 2 consoles that sold over 80 millions each and Xbox One/PS4 in the millions will definitely reach their even point and then some..
skiggy34's comments