I love my day one xbox one. I need the white one for my bedroom. It's been more time to buy an xbox one over a ps4. I have both but never play my ps4. I could have waited along with 10 million others that could have waited. PS4 has become a FAD like iPhone which isn't good.
Glad to hear Sony made some money. Dead Rising 3 is just a fantastic game!! Easily one of my favorite next gen games so I'm not surprised by its sales.
1080p mean nothing to me. I have ps4 and xbox one but still getting it on xbox one... I am playing the beta on my ps4 tho and its pretty good. Definitely over hyped IMO and the fact its the first Bungie game to grace a playstation console is more likely why the hype is there. Its the biggest game the ps4 has this year so of course Sony is going to hype it.
As for Xbox Ones doubled sales, kinda figured that would happen. As a gamer who owns all consoles and after E3 I'm not sure what is causing people to buy PS4 so much? I like the console but nothing on it right now screams "BUY ME"... IMO Xbox One just has better games right now so that plus its features are worth the purchase. Xbox One needed Halo MCC to release on June 9th when the console went to $399. I mean MS should have at least released something to entice people to buy the $399 console on June 9th instead of waiting until November....
I would definitely NOT play a remastered version of Uncharted! I own all 3 of them on PS3 and have absolutely no need to play it again with updated graphics. To me, the Uncharted series has a very low replay value. I've tried multiple times to replay each of them and for the life of me can't get myself to play past the first chapter...
I'm going to buy TLOU on PS4 because I needed cash one day last gen and I sold TLOU on ps3 without beating it, other than that I won't buy any other remastered games on PS4. Also Sony better hope that half their PS4 sales aren't from people who didnt own a ps3 because that just means what happened last gen will happen this gen just the other way around. Lots of 360 owners bought PS3s which made the sales numbers close in the end. All the PS4 owners who used to be Xbox 360 owners are going to buy Xbox Ones when that Halo MCC game comes out. Go ahead and say I'm wrong but we'll see.
@Sevenizz HONESTLY I believe this is what is happening with Sony.... I am a neutral gamer who owns every console but it definitely seems like Sony is mostly focusing on Indies. 8-bit indie games ARE NOT where the industry is going. Notice with MS's E3 conference, their indie push was a 2 minute video showing a bunch of games but the rest were big name titles? I really think that the financial status of Sony is causing delays, maybe even cancellations. Notice we havent heard about planetside for ps4 since before launch when they were saying it was supposed to launch with ps4? I hope I'm wrong but when the playstation boss comes out and defends indies, it doesnt look good for 1st parties. Look at Vita, they already confirmed it wont see many big titles.
The way it looks to me, is Sony believes they have the gaming market by the balls. They are also hurting financially and probably can't put out the number of 1st party titles they used to so they are trying to steer the market to indie games.. I have a ps2/3/4 and am a little concerned. First they say Vita wont see many big titles and now it seems they are trying to control the crowd to indies. I am glad I also own an Xbox One....
@eternal_napalm 1080p is nice but I disagree. I'll take 900p @ 60 fps easily over 1080p @ 30fps. The differences between 900p and 1080p are hardly detectable and if they were then we would have noticed these differences in multi plat games where the ps4 had 1080p and X1 had 900p. You can definitely see the differences between 60fps and 30fps.
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